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The YO Show:
Missouri Valley looking tough again. South Dakota, SDSU, and NDSU looking like tough games. But also, WIU and Illinois State look good. Conference going to be a tough bloodbath as usual. Hoping we get at least two out of the three SDSU, South Dakota and NDSU slate. If we can do that and do well in the rest of the conference games playoffs again is likely.

Double ET:
The replay on the screen was a joke. Most of time, they played the rotating block Y.
When Mays made the TD run down the left side, it totally faked me out. I  was hoping to see the replay.They never even showed it. They showed his face and number following by the rotating block Y. When the game resumed, they showed the game live.
They showed the live game while the live game is played. Yet, they would not show the replay of the critical touch down or good plays.
I wonder who was running the replay score board.

played a below average Pitt team and 2 cupcakes.  now the season starts.

I thought Ricky Davis looked good.  We may need him.  Could be a movie plot in the making.

Of all the QB's I think he throws the best and runs the best.  I know he let everyone down last year, but it wasn't because he couldn't throw or run.

Double ET:

--- Quote from: Penquin68 on September 17, 2017, 02:40:43 PM ---I thought Ricky Davis looked good.  We may need him.  Could be a movie plot in the making.

Of all the QB's I think he throws the best and runs the best.  I know he let everyone down last year, but it wasn't because he couldn't throw or run.

--- End quote ---

Many of his throws were questionable last year. He also had trouble reading the defense and going to the secondary receivers when primary receiver was covered.
I like the guy. He wants to contribute to the success of the team. With a good group of receivers and running backs, Wells is a better fit. We need a better passer first, better runner next.


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