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YSU to Allow Beer Sales During Games

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Double ET:

--- Quote from: go guins on September 06, 2017, 01:02:38 PM ---
--- Quote from: The YO Show on September 06, 2017, 12:30:26 PM ---First home game that I am at, if beer is being sold I will definitely buy in stadium (well I say that now, and will change my mind if its $9 a beer)

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it was 10.50 in club seats for Pitt.  Incredible!

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Those Pitt fans sat near me kept drinking beers in the second half. They were almost drunk by the end of the game. The all woke up and cheered during overtime. Downed another beer when Hunter threw the INT.

People have been taking alcohol in the stadium illegally for decades. Mostly flasks with a little hootch and or shot glasses. Its not like they check for that sort of thing when they take your tickets. Believe me if people want to keep a buzz for the game or stay drunk they will find a way !!

go guins:

--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on September 06, 2017, 05:12:25 PM ---People have been taking alcohol in the stadium illegally for decades. Mostly flasks with a little hootch and or shot glasses. Its not like they check for that sort of thing when they take your tickets. Believe me if people want to keep a buzz for the game or stay drunk they will find a way !!

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While that's all true (speaking from years of personal experience) I don't get your point.  Is this good or bad? is legal sales good or bad?

I don't see it impacting attendance really at all, but if it helps generate a little bit more money for the program, I'm all for it.

go guins:
Depends some on pricing.  If somewhat reasonable, it will help.  It has everywhere else in America that sells beer.
The whole experience is what you are selling.  5th Avenue being torn up next year will hurt, because the whole experience isn't as good.  Better seats would help.  A club seating section would help.  I better seating experience on the away side would help.  Fireworks on night games would help.  Discounts for veterans and active duty military would help.  It is a whole experience and YSU is very negligent in recognizing and addressing the total shopping experience.


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