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Robert Morris

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go guins:

--- Quote from: YSU1 on September 12, 2017, 09:44:37 AM ---Hey the mighty buckeyes have quarterback issues. They have lost 2 out of the last 3 games they have played.

--- End quote ---
In the 2 losses you reference, they have given up 61 points.  As usual in sports, it isn't as simple as it first appears.  Yes, they have QB issues, but they also have DB issues.  They have had 6 high draft choices from their defensive backfield in the last 2 drafts.  Hard to "reload" after all those players lost.
Biggest fulfilled wishes for me in 2 weeks of YSU football?  Reed at DE and Gibson at CB.  Not sure Reed is Derek Rivers just yet, but he is definitely better than a 1 legged Avery Moss, which is what we had in the playoffs last year. Gibson has had 2 great games for a true freshman.  CB is not an easy transition from HS and he is off to a great start.


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