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Robert Morris

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IAA Fan:
Go Guins: There is a difference between "ability" and "performance". You are saying basically everything that I would agree with. As to Wells. I do not know where you are coming from but Wells/Mays have been my 1/2 for as long as I can remember watching them. It fits coach Shane's offense. Why would I want anything else?

You are saying that May's performance was terrible & I do not agree as to just how poor it was. I think he had issues for his first two sets. Obviously by how hard Davis was practicing, so did Montgomery. In fact I am surprised that Monty did not "pull the trigger" on Ricky. Then Mays had an excellent 3rd-series and became much more consistent. Passes were higher and did not float, accuracy improved. As to Mays' "ability" ... he will be an earned starter for YSU & it will be the best choice.

As to Wells & EWU. Webb was a decoy & the man covering was very smart not to fall for it. That last play was going for Rader & no one else. Wells did not even look, as we had less than 8 seconds to try and get 2 plays off (if needed). Turns out we needed only one & the positioning on the should was intentional. Has Wells' performance slipped under pressure before? Yep. Was that an uncalled clearly obvious "mugging" of Rader? Yep. Do you think Wells saw that? Yep. Do you think that that influenced his throw? Yep. It was a much smarter throw that you think in order to try and guarantee another play. Had we had those 3-downs and 20 seconds left on the clock ... worst throw ever.  Again it is ability vs performance.

go guins:
1AA you can type until you are blue in the face trying to convince me that throwing to a receiver that was completely blanketed by the defender against EWU was a brilliant throw, and you will never be successful.  Wells has been my #1 since about 1/2 game in game 3-4 of his freshman year.  That doesn't mean he is flawless.  I am not going back to look but you have one skeptic here that thinks he remembers you touting Ricky Davis as your guy in spring ball last year.  Now it's Wells and Mays, and I think I sense a little "front running". 
I was not surprised that they didn't go to Ricky Saturday.  At this point, it's Mays or Craycroft next year, and you can't pull Nat after 2 series without destroying any confidence the kid may have.  Besides you were ahead and shutting out Bobby Morris, so no reason to panic.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: go guins on September 12, 2017, 08:34:42 AM ---1AA you can type until you are blue in the face trying to convince me that throwing to a receiver that was completely blanketed by the defender against EWU was a brilliant throw, and you will never be successful.  Wells has been my #1 since about 1/2 game in game 3-4 of his freshman year.  That doesn't mean he is flawless.  I am not going back to look but you have one skeptic here that thinks he remembers you touting Ricky Davis as your guy in spring ball last year.  Now it's Wells and Mays, and I think I sense a little "front running". 
I was not surprised that they didn't go to Ricky Saturday.  At this point, it's Mays or Craycroft next year, and you can't pull Nat after 2 series without destroying any confidence the kid may have.  Besides you were ahead and shutting out Bobby Morris, so no reason to panic.

--- End quote ---

Why don't you go into politics? You are too far extreme & make up things that I say. It was a sh** throw ...everyone (including Wells) knows it and said so. It was the catch that was brilliant. I said that ball was going to Rader from the beginning and NO ONE else. That being said, he did position the pass well for the coverage. When did I ever say he was anything close to flawless? He has yet to be as good of a QB as his predecessor & may never be.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on September 12, 2017, 09:15:51 AM ---
--- Quote from: go guins on September 12, 2017, 08:34:42 AM ---1AA you can type until you are blue in the face trying to convince me that throwing to a receiver that was completely blanketed by the defender against EWU was a brilliant throw, and you will never be successful.  Wells has been my #1 since about 1/2 game in game 3-4 of his freshman year.  That doesn't mean he is flawless.  I am not going back to look but you have one skeptic here that thinks he remembers you touting Ricky Davis as your guy in spring ball last year.  Now it's Wells and Mays, and I think I sense a little "front running". 
I was not surprised that they didn't go to Ricky Saturday.  At this point, it's Mays or Craycroft next year, and you can't pull Nat after 2 series without destroying any confidence the kid may have.  Besides you were ahead and shutting out Bobby Morris, so no reason to panic.

--- End quote ---

Why don't you go into politics? You are too far extreme & make up things that I say. It was a sh** throw ...everyone (including Wells) knows it and said so. It was the catch that was brilliant. I said that ball was going to Rader from the beginning and NO ONE else. That being said, he did position the pass well for the coverage. When did I ever say he was anything close to flawless? He has yet to be as good of a QB as his predecessor & may never be.

--- End quote ---

Should have been PI on the LB on that play. That would have drug out the refs conference 10 more minutes and made for great TV. No miracle catch though and we lose and spend the rest of our lives lamenting the missed call.

You will never convince me that the throw was anything short of an attempt to draw a penalty. No QB tries to throw the ball through a defenders back.

Webb has to break at least 1 tackle to score on the play BTW.

Hey the mighty buckeyes have quarterback issues. They have lost 2 out of the last 3 games they have played.


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