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Weekly fooball conference scoreboard

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go guins:
It's "probably" premature to suggest we move Mark Schuler back to TE so he can at least earn a letter?  Hasn't seen the field in 2 weeks, which has to be close to some kind of record.


--- Quote from: go guins on September 18, 2017, 11:44:23 AM ---It's "probably" premature to suggest we move Mark Schuler back to TE so he can at least earn a letter?  Hasn't seen the field in 2 weeks, which has to be close to some kind of record.

--- End quote ---

Him being on the sideline is a good thing.

With SD playing the way they are, the next three games will be a lot of fun.

go guins:

--- Quote from: ysuguins4 on September 18, 2017, 12:31:06 PM ---With SD playing the way they are, the next three games will be a lot of fun.

--- End quote ---
Fun and TOUGH.  Won't look much like last Saturday, that's for sure. 

The YO Show:
Valley looking tough this year. Glad we miss WIU because they destroyed CCU. WIU looking good this year. Memphis is getting challenged by the Egyptian dogs right now too. Which I know it's Memphis but they did beat UCLA this year


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