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Go Guins you are a very angry and probably lonely old man. I don't know what made you so bitter and resentful but I am ashamed that you are a YSU fan. narrow minded and intolerant  old coots like you are tedious and rather pathetic. Oh, my family loves hockey and attends the games with me.  You really should think about professional help.

go guins:

--- Quote from: pen4life on September 11, 2017, 03:10:39 PM ---Go Guins you are a very angry and probably lonely old man. I don't know what made you so bitter and resentful but I am ashamed that you are a YSU fan. narrow minded and intolerant  old coots like you are tedious and rather pathetic. Oh, my family loves hockey and attends the games with me.  You really should think about professional help.

--- End quote ---
Any you are an arrogant ass, completely unqualified to do psychological analysis on your betters. I could only assume your family takes you to the games.  Get the close in "special needs" parking spots I bet.  Mommy still pick out your clothes every morning? 

This is starting to get silly. Take it easy and remember there is more to life than football,  beer  and hate.

go guins:

--- Quote from: pen4life on September 11, 2017, 04:40:30 PM ---This is starting to get silly. Take it easy and remember there is more to life than football,  beer  and hate.

--- End quote ---
Sorry, no time for hockey pucks! 


--- Quote from: pen4life on September 11, 2017, 04:40:30 PM ---This is starting to get silly. Take it easy and remember there is more to life than football,  beer  and hate.

--- End quote ---

Way beyond silly


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