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Football is King.  Deal with it how's that. 

YSUGO THAT'S PRETTY LAME . football IS KING.....NOBODY IS SAYING IT ISNT ! But there are other sports that lots and lots of people are just as fanatic about. You guys are starting to sound like a bunch of tired old republican xenophobes . Trying to communicate with you is like trying to teach algebra to a chimpanzee, you are stuck in your ways and everybody is going to do it your way because you're....... what .......a tired old bunch of xenophobes? I don't think so. So you don't like hockey, who gives a rat's behind ? Apparently the rest of the world didnt get the memo. Take your medicine, go to a Klan meeting or just grow up but save yourself the embarrassment of a post like that.

go guins:

--- Quote from: pen4life on September 09, 2017, 09:45:46 PM ---YSUGO THAT'S PRETTY LAME . football IS KING.....NOBODY IS SAYING IT ISNT ! But there are other sports that lots and lots of people are just as fanatic about. You guys are starting to sound like a bunch of tired old republican xenophobes . Trying to communicate with you is like trying to teach algebra to a chimpanzee, you are stuck in your ways and everybody is going to do it your way because you're....... what .......a tired old bunch of xenophobes? I don't think so. So you don't like hockey, who gives a rat's behind ? Apparently the rest of the world didnt get the memo. Take your medicine, go to a Klan meeting or just grow up but save yourself the embarrassment of a post like that.

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"But there are other sports that lots and lots of people are just as fanatic about."  Change "lots and lots" to 6 and you might have it right.
You sound like a liberal smuck that would believe the world was flat if MSNBC told you it was.  Can't read or think for yourself. 

Yes I am. It didn't start off that way but you quickly demonstrated your ignorance. I didn't realize that you would fight so hard to stay ignorant or to think you were beyond learning something. You conservatives can dish it out but you can't take it. Please believe whatever you want to believe the opinion of one cranky old geezer isn't going to matter much.

go guins:

--- Quote from: pen4life on September 11, 2017, 12:31:29 PM ---Yes I am. It didn't start off that way but you quickly demonstrated your ignorance. I didn't realize that you would fight so hard to stay ignorant or to think you were beyond learning something. You conservatives can dish it out but you can't take it. Please believe whatever you want to believe the opinion of one cranky old geezer isn't going to matter much.

--- End quote ---
My ignorance of the vast popularity of ice hockey?  You're kidding, right?  Next time you are down watching the phantoms, say hi to your 6 friends in attendance and find someone who cares.  This blog is devoted to YSU sports and they play all the ones anybody gives a sh** about.  FB, MBB, WBB, TRACK, GOLF, even BOWLING!  Anything that anybody gives a damn about has a YSU team.  Enjoy your delusional life as a liberal hockey puck, and my condolences to your family who must be in tears watching you waste your life away following hockey.


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