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First Basketball commit for 2018 Plus one more

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go guins,not sure I'm following your point.  Please clarify for the slow minded (me).

go guins:

--- Quote from: ucfpengbuck on October 17, 2017, 06:18:04 PM ---go guins,not sure I'm following your point.  Please clarify for the slow minded (me).

--- End quote ---
Sorry, I can be a little esoteric at times.  My point was; UNI has signed 1 (one) guy to play MBB.  That is pretty pitiful compared to what Coach Calhoun is doing with the Quins.  The MBB program at YSU has really been the lagging sports team.  Yes, WBB had a down year with terrible injuries, but overall very competitive.  Track, golf, good grief even BOWLING have been very completive.  Nice to see Tressel's winning ways influencing MBB too!

IAA Fan:
UNI has a program, they seldom would need more than a few players. Calhoun is making changes, he (and we) hope to get to the point where he does not need much each year. We were there before, just not competitive.

go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on October 18, 2017, 09:38:08 AM ---UNI has a program, they seldom would need more than a few players. Calhoun is making changes, he (and we) hope to get to the point where he does not need much each year. We were there before, just not competitive.

--- End quote ---
I'm ok with your "few", but to quote Harry Doyle from "Major League", "Let's see, one hit ... that's all we got- one Goddamn hit?"  if you;'re looking at 16 guys, like UNI, and only sign 1, IMO it doesn't seem too good.  You have 13 scholarships so reasonably, (IF you were paying attention) you should need about 3-4 players a year.  With grades, injuries, transfers, and just plain drops, probably more like 5-6 every year.   

YSU had an eight to one advantage in commits but UNI had a four star commit,hopefully we start getting an extra star or two.   Hate to admit that the MVC > Horizon.   


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