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2018 Football Committement

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go guins:
1AA if you are referring to my note on Duke's 9% acceptance rate, it wasn't that I was shocked, but that I wanted to emphasize the fact that OSU's 49% rate was FAR from the most exclusive outside the Ivy League.  BTW, Stanford is 4.65% which is 22% MORE exclusive than Duke!

Coaching staff is very excited about this kid. He is primed for big things here.

go guins:
Before we get all sexed up on this OSU TE transfer, I have two words of caution:  Louis Irizarry
Apparently what could have been a very sad story seems to have a happy ending, but from a football prospective it was a bust. 

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: go guins on December 13, 2017, 02:58:00 PM ---1AA if you are referring to my note on Duke's 9% acceptance rate, it wasn't that I was shocked, but that I wanted to emphasize the fact that OSU's 49% rate was FAR from the most exclusive outside the Ivy League.  BTW, Stanford is 4.65% which is 22% MORE exclusive than Duke!

--- End quote ---

I would go so far as to say that Stanford has the top overall athletic programs in the nation, which makes their academics even more impressive. Every year they simply put out the best doctors and lawyers and "rake in" the championships. I will never forget when an announcer on NBC was interviewing a recently appointed provost (that had been at Stanford for many years) and he referred to Stanford as the "Harvard of the West". The provost replied 'I have walked out on interviewers that insulted me less".


--- Quote from: go guins on December 13, 2017, 03:14:13 PM ---Before we get all sexed up on this OSU TE transfer, I have two words of caution:  Louis Irizarry
Apparently what could have been a very sad story seems to have a happy ending, but from a football prospective it was a bust.

--- End quote ---

Wow really ??? Comparing this kid who has had zero off the field issues to a guy who was sent to prison. Classy.


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