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Pitt Game

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This Pitt team is terrible and this was such a winnable game. The days of playing these FBS games just for a money grab are over. We should be playing to win now. Hunter made some good throws I expect a senior to make. Also threw a pass to nobody in OT to lose the game... That stings. Kudos to the defense for holding strong in the 2nd half.

Sad part the game was lost in the first half.  We should have easily had 10 points in first half.   Still overall I thought we played well.  Had way to loose though! 


--- Quote from: Buddy on September 02, 2017, 05:05:19 PM ---Sad part the game was lost in the first half.  We should have easily had 10 points in first half.   Still overall I thought we played well.  Had way to loose though!

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The overthrow by Hunter on 3rd down killed us and then obviously the missed FG.

In sum, what a tale of two halves. Enough disgruntled fans have commented on the negatives, and can't seem to find the slightest amount of optimism from this game. Great adjustments made my the O and D in the second half. Folks want to comment on how Pitt was lethargic in the second half, well maybe, just maybe YSU had something to do with how Pitt looked. The D looked great in the second half. After the piss-poor pooch punt that was blocked, our D showed that it has the ability to bear down and be stingy when placed in a far from ideal situation brought upon them by a special teams miscue.

The Pitt WR made a hell of a catch in OT to win it; nicely defended by who I think was our true frosh CB, Gibson. Speaking of True Frosh, how about Christian Turner? The boy has some hands out of the backfield.

It certainly wasn't an ideal finish, but sweet lord, who in there right mind thought we would score 21 unanswered in the second half and hold Pitt to 0 second half points. We all know Wells should've thrown that ball away… it certainly stings to think we let a winnable ball game vs. an FBS opponent go to waste. I like winning as much as anyone, but this game shows that winning should be a theme this year.


--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on September 02, 2017, 04:55:16 PM ---This Pitt team is terrible and this was such a winnable game. The days of playing these FBS games just for a money grab are over. We should be playing to win now. Hunter made some good throws I expect a senior to make. Also threw a pass to nobody in OT to lose the game... That stings. Kudos to the defense for holding strong in the 2nd half.

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They may be terrible but all the oddsmakers had this game as an easy blowout victory for Pitt---no such thing as a moral victory imho but taking Pitt to OT isn't all that shabby in my eyes.


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