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IAA Fan:
You know what good old boy network is & JT is now the head of it. Yet you somehow seem to dislike it when it is applied to Strollo. Fair is fair. I never like the Catholic school pissers either Go, but they do keep the floor cleaner, but somehow the school misses how much dirtier it makes the toilet stalls. I could care less about men's BB, put the $$ in the ladies program, at least we stand a chance there. Even though there is no audience, the media is falling all over women's sports. We already play UWGB & IUPUI, let's add close teams like Belmont, Central Michigan, Buffalo, Drake, Missouri State, Ball State and RMU (we occasionally play them already). These are all great MM good programs & we can compete there. I mean it certainly was not our men's program that got us into the MCC/horizon.

go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on February 23, 2018, 01:31:38 PM ---You know what good old boy network is & JT is now the head of it. Yet you somehow seem to dislike it when it is applied to Strollo. Fair is fair. I never like the Catholic school pissers either Go, but they do keep the floor cleaner, but somehow the school misses how much dirtier it makes the toilet stalls. I could care less about men's BB, put the $$ in the ladies program, at least we stand a chance there. Even though there is no audience, the media is falling all over women's sports. We already play UWGB & IUPUI, let's add close teams like Belmont, Central Michigan, Buffalo, Drake, Missouri State, Ball State and RMU (we occasionally play them already). These are all great MM good programs & we can compete there. I mean it certainly was not our men's program that got us into the MCC/horizon.

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No, actually I don't know what you are talking about regarding the good ol' boy network.  Certainly JT is a card carrying member, but I really don't know what you are talking about regarding JT, Strollo, and the network. 

What I DO know is JT is working his network daily to raise money for everything YSU, balance the budget, double the endowment and provide new and improved facilities for all. 
Take a look around and smell the roses.  If Strollo were any good at his job, and could work a good ol' boy
network at all, why is he still laboring away in the shadow of giants at YSU after 20 years and not at least at a MAC school by now?  Thank God the trustees were smart enough to snatch JT away from Akron! 

Stambaugh is now maybe a top 25 stadium in FCS. Definitely not top 10 anymore.

go guins:

--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on February 26, 2018, 09:23:17 AM ---Stambaugh is now maybe a top 25 stadium in FCS. Definitely not top 10 anymore.

--- End quote ---
Agreed.  Not sure how to rate domes, but we rank maybe 4 or 5th in the MVFC and that can affect recruiting.

IAA Fan:
Saying we have fallen out of the top 10 is probably fair ...we are still close & I may rate things differently than others. However, I would like to point out that most of the top stadiums still have a track around them. Our visiting lockers are a bit out of the top-10, but our lockers and weights are tops. Our surface it up with the best. We have 2 scoreboards, our capacity is still over 20k. You guys seem infatuated with a dome. My gosh, going to UNI is like going into Beeghly Center. Now, I think that the new weight room, the relocation of other sports facilities have made the football player facilities much nicer, that still remains the biggest weakness of the facility. Yet how many other programs have a multi-use facility? The new dinning hall is nice. I just do not think you can compare things that are not the same. Leave the dome go & rate them separately. Most domes at our level are a joke. Six teams use professional or share facilities with major institutions (so they cannot be considered I-AA facilities). Again it is a case where everyone wants to be Ohio State and will just gripe for the rest of their lives.


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