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IAA Fan:
Come on guys is it that bad around here that we have to always fall back to the same conversations. We still attack a coach that is not even around anymore. We still attack an AD's ability on facilities even after we have said on multiple occasions that his activities regarding facilities is not in question, but rather his ability to hire coaches that is in question. Then of course Saint Tressel will fix all, even though this is the one the areas where he would be my first thought as to being most responsible. Let's see .. so since you currently feel that Calhoun and Pelini are great choices, they are Tressel's doing and will remain that way until you no longer like them, then you can just blame Strollo.

I would like to see this project done by the first home game, but the first televised play-off game is just as good. BTW, our facilities are more than I-AA ...by far. Stambaugh is no exception. The only thing that is crucial would be the new booth and that can very easily be done by fall ...the classrooms and media center clearly will take more time. You are just like one of the guys that I tailgate with. He has always been upset that the new scoreboard looks "high school" (small); yet he completely ignores the fact that it is our second scoreboard. Have faith.

go guins:
1AA, you are SO predictable.  I could have writing that response for you!

Let me get this straight, "We still attack an AD's ability on facilities even after we have said on multiple occasions that his activities regarding facilities is not in question"  Does that mean because you say it isn't in question, it is not within our rights to question?  Seriously?


In fairness to me, I have never been anti Montgomery.  Never saw him fumble or throw an interception or miss a block.  I have pointed out the difference in offensive philosophy between Bo and Shane and, IMO, an untenable difference between the HC and OC that should have (and has) led to the departure of Monty.  Shane isn't wrong, Bo isn't right, they just differ and that can't work longer term.  BUT I have never been anti Montgomery.  I also think in fairness to Bo, he came in acting a lot like the blustery foul mouthed guy that got fired at Nebraska.  I don't know what has mellowed him here, but his behavior has been FAR better than before YSU and better than I expected.  Bo deserves credit for him improvement.

How any rational human being can look at the changes in YSU during BOTH of the tenures of Jim Tressel at YSU and not admire what is true greatness, is amazing to me.  By the same token, how anyone could look at the dismal leadership of the athletic department for the last 20 years and not be aghast at the lack of leadership direction and accomplishment is also amazing to me.   

You have the right to love the work of Strollo, that's fine by me, but I reserve the right to make up my own mind, thank you!

It's very perplexing to me that this project has taken over 2 years to even start since it was announced. Shouldn't be surprised tho I guess... On campus baseball stadium and a new tennis center with a bubble over it is next on the list.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: go guins on February 21, 2018, 09:41:01 AM ---1AA, you are SO predictable.  I could have writing that response for you!

Let me get this straight, "We still attack an AD's ability on facilities even after we have said on multiple occasions that his activities regarding facilities is not in question"  Does that mean because you say it isn't in question, it is not within our rights to question?  Seriously?


In fairness to me, I have never been anti Montgomery.  Never saw him fumble or throw an interception or miss a block.  I have pointed out the difference in offensive philosophy between Bo and Shane and, IMO, an untenable difference between the HC and OC that should have (and has) led to the departure of Monty.  Shane isn't wrong, Bo isn't right, they just differ and that can't work longer term.  BUT I have never been anti Montgomery.  I also think in fairness to Bo, he came in acting a lot like the blustery foul mouthed guy that got fired at Nebraska.  I don't know what has mellowed him here, but his behavior has been FAR better than before YSU and better than I expected.  Bo deserves credit for him improvement.

How any rational human being can look at the changes in YSU during BOTH of the tenures of Jim Tressel at YSU and not admire what is true greatness, is amazing to me.  By the same token, how anyone could look at the dismal leadership of the athletic department for the last 20 years and not be aghast at the lack of leadership direction and accomplishment is also amazing to me.   

You have the right to love the work of Strollo, that's fine by me, but I reserve the right to make up my own mind, thank you!

--- End quote ---

Does this mean that you are as predictable as I ? I have no issue with anything that you said. To me, you are wrong. Tressel was a terrible AD, plain and simple. As a head coach he changed our offense to an offense that would not work in our new conference, when we had been running another offense with tremendous success. Why did Tressel make those changes? Clearly he needed to impress someone else besides YSU fans and Gateway fans. (I guess 4 national championship appearances and 3 titles in the previous 5-years was not good enough?) Then when you finally get an OC that runs a modern version of the spread option, also having tremendous success with it ...people complain.   As President, Tressel has been touting the same campus updates that were touted before he arrived as president, yet I do not see you giving Cynthia Anderson any credit. Humphreys and Cochran worked tirelessly on what started out as "Campus 2000", which is where just about every change so far has come from. Your AD was a player when the MAC rejected us and said that it was drastically-superior facilities at NIU and Buffalo that gave them entrance and not YSU. Though that was far from the true reason, is was a true statement. So as AD, he is making our school and athletics more DI ... yet you give me nonsense that there is no direction. The went from no women's athletics (NCAA sanction bad) to quite a vast program, now you can say it is the wrong direction, but saying it is no direction is simply not true. Strollo has accomplished more than all of his predecessors combined. Heck, Malmisar voted against the building of Stambaugh and we made him AD over the man that had the idea and got it built. All of this being said, I still have many things that I can complain about Ron Strollo and I absolutely love JT as a coach, a president and a man. His accomplishments are more than noteworthy. So I did not like him as an AD ...he also did the job for less than $20k salary each year. I am on he field taking a few pictures of his introduction to the HOF & he walks up to me, shakes my hand and asks me how my father was doing . then remembering my father had bad eyesight he asks me how his eyes we doing. This is what makes him great. Strollos greatness stems from his ties. He is a west-sider, Fitch grad and star player, 2-time captain of YSU football teams during the "glory years". Now he give 110% to YSU and I do not even recognize the campus anymore because of his changes. You can find plenty of thing that you would do differntly than both Strollo and Tressel, but they are both the right people at the right time.

go guins:
1AA, you are going to start out by highlighting Jim Tressel's inability to coach?  Interesting approach.  Stupid, but interesting. 
I care about football, all the other stuff is "nice" it is "fine" and I'm glad each sport has it's supports, but sports at YSU is all about football.  One football game at YSU draws more fans than both golf, both track, softball and baseball and bowling combined for a season.  Virtually nobody in Youngstown, YSU or on your blog cares about anything but football.  Look at the YSU football record with Tressel on campus and without Tressel on campus, no comparison.  Plain and simple, you win with JT is here, lose when he isn't.  Strollo is a bureaucrat, providing -0- inspiration or leadership.  Also plain and simple.  I accept without challenge that Strollo is a fine man, I'm sure his Fitch education serves him will, and I'd love to have him as a neighbor, but as a leader? Not so much.


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