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go guins:

--- Quote from: ysuseasonticket on February 20, 2018, 02:47:15 PM ---
--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on February 20, 2018, 10:03:51 AM ---According to JT, construction won't start until the fall... Yikes.

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Come on.....fall???

I won't believe it till I see it.

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Ask yourself this, "what would be the worst, most inconvenient time for this project."  If your answer is "fall" then the start date will be fall!  Pretty simple if you think like a bureaucrat!  The good news is, the worse the mess is around Stambaugh stadium, the better the chance we have a great season and draw a bunch of people that can't park, etc.  This is a proven variant on Murphy's law!  "What can go wrong will go wrong at the worst possible time!"

Double ET:

--- Quote from: go guins on February 20, 2018, 12:09:35 PM ---One word comes to mind, bureaucrats.  The bane of modern society. 
Historically "bureaucrat" was not a negative term, but it is almost like a swear word today.  That is the same thing that bogs down any efforts at sports marketing as well.  Everybody hard at work doing their jobs, and no good coming from all the effort!

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Well said, Go....
Many people are working hard doing the same thing as their predecessors . Unfortunately, status Quo just won't cut it in today's competitive environment. Others will eat your lunch. In order to compete for the entertainment $,   we must do aggressive marketing and provide value for our perspective customers.

MBB played in nearly empty basketball court most of the season. There were practically no promotions. Promotion for one of the game was to get in for free if you get a coupon at an ice cream vendors. I was going to go until I found out that I had to make a trip to take the coupon to the ticket office in the stadium before the game day to exchange for a ticket. Gee ,,,,

A contractor has not been selected yet. Nothing can be done until that happens.

With attendance being pathetic closing the other side shouldn’t be a big deal


--- Quote from: YSUGO on February 20, 2018, 06:40:48 PM ---With attendance being pathetic closing the other side shouldn’t be a big deal

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It would be for me, my seats are on that side


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