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According to JT, construction won't start until the fall... Yikes.

go guins:

--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on February 20, 2018, 10:03:51 AM ---According to JT, construction won't start until the fall... Yikes.

--- End quote ---
I suppose there is a ton of "behind the bleachers" work they could do in the fall, but that does seem odd to start a football stadium construction project at the start of football season?!?!

I have seen nothing to make me thing this is part of an overall plan to keep Stambaugh Stadium competitive with the top 1AA programs in the country, but I have not seen, hear, or read anything to that effect.  While this project if DEFINITELY needed and will be a very welcome upgrade for the specific area it addresses, it does nothing to coordinate with a much needed entire stadium upgrade project.  When first opened, Stambaugh was the finest facility in the league, and even when we moved to the MVFC I still believe it was tops.  We now have an aging facility lacking many amenities of top tier programs, and IMO ranks no better than middle of the field in MVFC and nowhere near the top 10 in 1AA football.  If you want to recruit and play at the top level, your facilities need to be at or near the top.  Certainly the WATTS is there, but Stambaugh isn't any longer.  If only our AD had vision..............alas, it is up to the University President to create and lead another campus drive.  If I were JT, I'd get some help!

Double ET:

--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on February 20, 2018, 10:03:51 AM ---According to JT, construction won't start until the fall... Yikes.

--- End quote ---
It really should not be a surprise to anyone.
They had the entire summer to dig up and close Lincoln Ave for re-construction. But no! they started the work the first week of Fall Semester creating a mess on campus. If that wasn't bad enough, they started the Wick Ave. project by closing Wick Ave also (almost simultaneously).
To top it off, they closed several parking lots to construct the student dormitories. Students and faculty drove around everyday looking for parking spaces.
In one of the meetings, I was arguing with the director of the parking services about his announcement of closing the Lincoln parking deck  ( around 1000 parking spaces) without any replacing the parking spaces (he plans to put in a surface lot with less than 25% parking spaces targeted for completion 1 year later).
I asked him what was his plan to replace these lost parking spaces. His answer was, "I don't know, we are studying it ..."
Many of my students were late for class because they could not find parking spaces (many even left work early).

It was even worse this winter because City of Youngstown and the campus road crew did very little to clear the  roads, walk ways and parking lots. The campus was a mess after each snow storm. Roads were fine until I entered the city and the campus. These were not side streets. These were major streets which included Wick, Belmont, Fifth ave, Lincoln, Rayen, 422 and MLK.

go guins:
One word comes to mind, bureaucrats.  The bane of modern society. 
Historically "bureaucrat" was not a negative term, but it is almost like a swear word today.  That is the same thing that bogs down any efforts at sports marketing as well.  Everybody hard at work doing their jobs, and no good coming from all the effort!


--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on February 20, 2018, 10:03:51 AM ---According to JT, construction won't start until the fall... Yikes.

--- End quote ---

Come on.....fall???

I won't believe it till I see it.


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