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Campus Updates

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IAA Fan:
AWESOME! great info Chief.

go guins:

--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on November 20, 2018, 01:00:33 AM ---Just an update:

Contractor has been selected for the building of the new indoor tennis and bowling center. Going to be located on West Scott and Belmont. 6 indoor tennis courts and 6 bowling lanes with bleachers and restrooms.

Once completed in fall 2019, they will take out the outdoor tennis courts by the WATTS and make that all parking and start to build the athletic field where the parking lot is now across the bridge by Cafaro dorms.

--- End quote ---
This might not have had huge publicity compared to some other projects, but this is a HUGE step forward for the campus.
Thanks for the update Chief!

Double ET:
It is always great for the university to expand between 5th and Belmont (even better with expansion into West of Belmont). That area is really depressing right now (mostly parking lots). I am regularly teaching evening classes past 10 pm. Believe me, Walking to those parking lots at 10:30 pm is not fun.

I am also looking forward to possible expansions into North of Madison Expressway and East of Wick Ave.

Any new news on the progress on the east end press box?


--- Quote from: ysuseasonticket on January 11, 2019, 10:20:53 AM ---Any new news on the progress on the east end press box?

--- End quote ---

Lots of work being done but this weather puts things on hold for a bit. Still on track to be done by summer.


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