Attended the Summer Festival for the Arts on Saturday. This is a growing event the covers most of the central part of the campus grounds and I recommend it to all. A very impressive group of craftspersons and artists, and I did spend some money, (not a ton). According to my marketing guy, who is also an artist, I missed JT for about an hour, but he does get around. I was a freshman the fall 1967 and the difference from them to now is REMARKABLE. We actually had parking lot referred to in the Jambar as the "mud lot". Everybody called it that. I am the leading expert in State universities in Ohio. Being a YSU alum, married to a KSU grad, with a son graduated from OSU and a daughter from BGSU. My wife (who also has a masters from YSU) said the campus area of YSU is now competitive with the other 3, when it used to be a joke compared to "real" universities. The administration has done a great job here, and where I give JT most all the credit for the athletic turnaround, this had been ongoing consistently even when he was here coaching.
This is not sports and I'll stop now, but the university deserves to have the Arts Festival supported.