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IUPUI as the next Horizon League member?

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go guins:
Wick, thanks for the IUPUI primmer, but you can make a note, we don't give a s _ _ _.
By definition, we all have internet capability and can look up statistics and propaganda on any random school we want, whenever we want. 
Your claim that a random school can blow past ever Horizon League team whenever it wants is just meaningless, unsubstantiated, words posted on a blog, nothing more.
I have seen nobody on this tread touting the MAC, rather, waiting for the disillusioned MAC schools to drop back to a level they can finance and can compete, not us step up to a level we can no neither.  I don't think it will take any biblical events when the budget hawks come calling at Akron, Kent, and Buffalo over the next few years.
We'll see, but Akron will be on our FB schedule before IUPUI wins the Horizon, you have a pop bet from me on that.


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