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YSU Set To Take On 10th-Seeded Wolverines In NCAA Regional

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go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on May 15, 2017, 05:25:14 PM ---sorry buddy. Actually they had their eye on someone else, who signed with another school and yes it was 100% Strollo as we did not have the salary to offer. Tressel is the one that felt we should renew Slocum 3-years ago. and that was actually minor influence at best. If Strollo would have pushed JT, Slocum would not have renewed. Slocum did not want to replace coach H, but H resigned and Strollo gave cold expectations to Wolf with a 1-year extension. If you listen or read coach P's attorney, you will see that the first person he called was Strollo ... NOT president Tressel. Strollo was not 100% sold on Pelini, as none of us are; but he did his homework and made the call; only time will tell if it was the right decision. All of our successful sports are title-IX related, so why blame Strollo, when it was actually Tressel that ignored title-IX as an AD. Strollo had to move heavy and quickly in order to meet NCAA deadlines imposed almost a decade earlier, which he did. Our success in women's athletics is also 100% because of Strollo. It was Strollo who has reshaped this campus with his awesome work on facilities.  Look at track and tennis, both sports where success in women's programs aided in the success of the men's. Look how we went from what had become essentially a diving-only team to the return of a Swimming and Diving team (I may not agree with the decision, but it is one Strollo made). It is easy to get caught up in what is new and exciting; but only time will tell. You may not agree with a limited number of things that he has said; or 1 maybe 2 decisions he has made, but Strollo is 100% Penguin. His coaching decisions may not have always worked out, but they were more than solid selections & we recovered mostly through his guidance. Strollo has given YSU an athletic program to be proud of, and one that can now move into any conference. Strollo may have respect for JT, with good reason, but he is far from a dog at the end of Tressel's leash.

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So you say. 
All these improvements you site are all Strollo?   Seriously? 
Strollo is the one with the vision?  Seriously?
Strollo is the one raising the money?  Seriously?   
JT ran his football without yelling, carrying on, and without calling attention to himself, but had his finger on every detail.  Runs his university the same way. 
I go back to the 12 years Strollo was in charge before JT came back.  Which program or facility was imporved during those 12 long losing years?  -0-  My mother used to say "the proof is in the pudding" 

IAA Fan:
If you are asking me to deny JT's influence, I am not that stupid. However, JT will admit himself that he is a fraction of the AD that Strollo is, which is why Tressel got Strollo into the AD position and Strollo makes decisions. Strollo did not build the academic buildings that improve our campus; but he watched his pennies as was needed until it came time for some facilities money to go toward athletics and he took full advantage of it. You cannot be one of those naive people that simply blame Strollo for everything that is wrong, and Tressel for everything that is right.

go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on May 16, 2017, 04:42:59 PM ---. You cannot be one of those naive people that simply blame Strollo for everything that is wrong, and Tressel for everything that is right.

--- End quote ---
No, Strollo isn't responsiblie for everything that is wrong, but he didn't fix much either.  And Tressel isn't responsible for everything that is right, but the improvement to the university in attendance, finances and the vast majorty of the sports programs is undeniable EXACTLY consistant with the arrival of JT.  That's a FACT, plain and simple. Jim Tressel is GREAT LEADER, a trait almost the entire population lacks.   One of the good things about great leadership is it allows and make the people around them better.  That is what Jim is doing for Ron. 
The problem Obama and Trump have is it's all about them, but not JT. 
You've got 12 years of Strollo without JT at the helm, tell me what you see.  Then look at RS with JT and tell me what you see. 

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: go guins on May 17, 2017, 09:55:38 AM ---
--- Quote from: IAA Fan on May 16, 2017, 04:42:59 PM ---. You cannot be one of those naive people that simply blame Strollo for everything that is wrong, and Tressel for everything that is right.

--- End quote ---
No, Strollo isn't responsiblie for everything that is wrong, but he didn't fix much either.  And Tressel isn't responsible for everything that is right, but the improvement to the university in attendance, finances and the vast majorty of the sports programs is undeniable EXACTLY consistant with the arrival of JT.  That's a FACT, plain and simple. Jim Tressel is GREAT LEADER, a trait almost the entire population lacks.   One of the good things about great leadership is it allows and make the people around them better.  That is what Jim is doing for Ron. 
The problem Obama and Trump have is it's all about them, but not JT. 
You've got 12 years of Strollo without JT at the helm, tell me what you see.  Then look at RS with JT and tell me what you see.

--- End quote ---

True about Tressel's fund-raising, but untrue about athletics. Every sports improvement came while Strollo was AD. Nothing under Tressel or Malmasar & I don't think we truly even had AD's before that. You are only looking at football, back at a team that was not even playing in a conference and scheduled the easiest teams that would get us in the post-season, with post-season requirements less than half as tough as they are now. I mean did you ever see YSU playing any MBB teams out of the Big-East or SEC before Strollo? Did you ever see football getting any "money games" before Strollo? Did you ever see any facilities being built ... i.e.: Stadium upgrades, new weight rooms & staff, MBB upgrades, WATTS, baseball stadium, all of the new women's facilities on campus and the new outdoor track facilities just going in now? I mean it was Narduzzi that got Stambaugh built and it was against the wishes of the YSU administration & he paid for it by being dismissed; then YSU brags about the stadium. Under Strollo, YSU has become a true DI school in every facet of athletics. Sure the "good old boys" network still exists as is has for my entire life and as it will continue to exist for the rest of it; but we are accomplishing things now. Maybe it is too slow in coming for many and I fully understand this, but at least is is finally here and we have to give credit where it is due.

go guins:
"Every sports improvement came while Strollo was AD. Nothing under Tressel" 
So according to you, nothing good has happened since JT has been president?  You know that is BS as well as I know it is BS.  Strollo record for 12 years before JT stands for itself.  The progress on ALL fronts for YSU under President Tressel stands for itself.  You can be as delusional as you want, the facts are the facts. 
You can be as much a Strollo supporter as you want but giving HIM credit for the WATTS is outragous!  Perhaps you should so a little reasearch into what WATTS stands for? (I know you know and S sure as hell isn't for STROLLO!)

Whatever you want to think, it's fine with me, but the facts of the 12 pre-Tressel years for Strollo and the 4 since stand for themselves.


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