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Derek Rivers First Round?

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The YO Show:
So, the NFL draft is today. I think there is a stupendous chance of Derek going in the second round, as he has alot of upside for any team, but what do you all think of his chances of going late in the 1st round? I think its possible.

Double ET:

--- Quote from: The YO Show on April 27, 2017, 04:14:48 PM ---So, the NFL draft is today. I think there is a stupendous chance of Derek going in the second round, as he has alot of upside for any team, but what do you all think of his chances of going late in the 1st round? I think its possible.

--- End quote ---
Most sport news experts have him being drafted in the 3rd round since they think there are 5 or 6 players in DE/OLB ahead of hm.
Vindicator said he would be watching the draft with his family at home. I think his agent would have him attending the draft in person if he was going to be drafted in the 1st round.
My 2 cents.

First round!? Are you nuts!? Derek is a nice player but lucky if he gets called as high as the 4th round.

No chance for Derek Rivers to get chosen in the 1st round. Yes, he is good, but there are several other defensive players that will be selected before him.

Most likely he will be chosen in the 3rd or 4th round, that is still very good and a great credit for his ability. His selection in the 3rd or 4th round will be great news for YSU football!!

Not in the 1st. But very well could go in the 2nd. I know many many teams are high on him. Including the Steelers who could use a pass rusher


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