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Basketball Commits

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Double ET:

--- Quote from: ucfpengbuck on May 22, 2017, 01:58:03 PM ---http://www.tribtoday.com/sports/sport-columns/2017/05/ysu-shows-full-court-press-in-recruiting/

John Vargo  is killing it at the Warren Tribune with off season YSU basketball info.   Vindy,not so much.

--- End quote ---
I subscribed to both papers. Vargo has the most extensive coverage on MBB. I seems to recall he has expressed his main interests in basketball.

Vindy has better coverage in football. However, Tribune had had good football special articles if star players were from Trumbull county (especially Warren Harding).

Great article by John Vargo; this puts a little more enthusiasm in the penguin basketball program.

Thanks John for the good and welcomed coverage!!! 


Little insight on coach Calhoun's press conference.    It's May 23rd and I'm pumped about YSU basketball.

Coach talks about some of the recruits and they'll all be on campus on June 8th.

I love this coach. All about the community and getting everyone involved. 100% excitement all the time. About the complete opposite of the former coach.

go guins:
Has kind of the same attitude toward the press is the POTUS!  I know that isn't fair, but "come to practice, the door is always open, and we want you to be there and be around these kids" it the way it ought to be.  Guy knows who he is, and what he wants to do, that's for sure.  Don't think I want to participate in any of these practices.  All I hear from him is lifting weights, getting stronger, and running 40 solid minutes!


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