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Basketball Commits

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This is going to be such a  breath of fresh air for the fans...ive been begging for it for years.. I was in favor of givi g Kevin Mackey a second chance back when Slocum was hired...CSU's "Run and Stun" was beautiful to watch...question..does Calhoun hang onto the last scholarship because he has only 2 seniors? Or does he bring in someone now? And will he redshirt Jacob Brown as hes brought in 2 JC posts?

go guins:

--- Quote from: jbags on May 11, 2017, 09:49:09 AM ---This is going to be such a  breath of fresh air for the fans...ive been begging for it for years.. I was in favor of givi g Kevin Mackey a second chance back when Slocum was hired...CSU's "Run and Stun" was beautiful to watch...question..does Calhoun hang onto the last scholarship because he has only 2 seniors? Or does he bring in someone now? And will he redshirt Jacob Brown as hes brought in 2 JC posts?

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also there was/is some issue with numbers of players.  didn't we have more players on scholarship that allowed?  Don't we need to hold on to some rather than have no freshman class next year?

Double ET:

--- Quote from: go guins on May 11, 2017, 09:55:27 AM ---
--- Quote from: jbags on May 11, 2017, 09:49:09 AM ---This is going to be such a  breath of fresh air for the fans...ive been begging for it for years.. I was in favor of givi g Kevin Mackey a second chance back when Slocum was hired...CSU's "Run and Stun" was beautiful to watch...question..does Calhoun hang onto the last scholarship because he has only 2 seniors? Or does he bring in someone now? And will he redshirt Jacob Brown as hes brought in 2 JC posts?

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also there was/is some issue with numbers of players.  didn't we have more players on scholarship that allowed?  Don't we need to hold on to some rather than have no freshman class next year?

--- End quote ---
IMO, he might be able to red-shirted couple of the incoming Freshmen. i am not sure if the players have to be on scholarship to play or dress. I thought, in the past, we had couple non-scholarship players on the team. I believe there is a NCAA rule for maximum number of players who dress for the game. However, if there were scholarship players on the injured list, we could play non scholarship players in their place.

go guins:
Honestly, it sounds like all of us a guessing on these scholarship issues, number of players, partial scholarships etc. 
If I get some time, I'll so some research.  This should be easier than football as all you find in football is 1A but in BB we ARE 1A

I Thu k 13 schlarshiped players and 2 walkons...i think their is no maximum..all 15 allowed to dress..we will have 13 if he holds a schoolies back..Morgan can't dress but is on scholarship..Murphy as of now a walkon


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