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go guins:
All this talk about Heacock and deteriorating demographics and millennials not willing to go to a game says one thing and one thing only: LOSER!
Go to Fargo ND.  Think that is the garden spot of the Midwest?  They are WINNERS because they market and get behind the program. 
Look at Chaney Washington.  The only place with football and worse weather than ND.  Boomtown?  No, but they take what they have and make something good out of it.   EWU attendance is 73% of the total population of Chaney WA!  If true for YSU that would be 48,000 per game.
Remember the line from Shawshank Redemption?  “Get busy living or get busy dying!”  All this “woe is me” talk is sad.  Yes we had more people years ago, but we have more people in the valley than MANY 1AA schools and instead of doing something positive in marketing, we cry about what used to be.  I feel sorry for you.  I am about the oldest guy on this blog and fell younger that the vast majority of you old farts!

The YO Show:
Speaking of which, I always try to market this stuff and promote it to my generation. It is a very hard sell though most times. Last year was an easy sell at the end. Hopefully some of that momentum comes forward.

go guins,

If you want your opinions to be respected, you probably should not attack posters who disagree with your point of view.  It would also be helpful if you checked your facts carefully as you build your arguments.  For example, Cheney, Washington is located in Spokane County (population 479,000.)  Cheney is no farther away from Spokane city (population 210,000) than Warren, Sharon, or Salem is from Youngstown.  EWU does not draw better than YSU by any criteria.


--- Quote from: Wick250 on April 21, 2017, 02:45:32 PM ---go guins,

If you want your opinions to be respected, you probably should not attack posters who disagree with your point of view.  It would also be helpful if you checked your facts carefully as you build your arguments.  For example, Cheney, Washington is located in Spokane County (population 479,000.)  Cheney is no farther away from Spokane city (population 210,000) than Warren, Sharon, or Salem is from Youngstown.  EWU does not draw better than YSU by any criteria.

--- End quote ---

Thank you.

My point is that the population has declined.  Lost another 6% last year.  The fan base of the 1990"s is well into retirement years.  The kids at the school don't have the money to go to the games in Texas.  When we weren't winning the fan base stopped going.  The 2006 playoff games at home were the last hurrah.  We've never recovered from that time.  That is my point.  You get it.

go guins:
I don't argue the population is declining.  What I am saying is this: If you give up and say "the population isn't what it used to be" and that is the reason for not doing anything, then that meets my definition of a "loser". IF however, you say, “there are 233,000 people in the Mahoning Valley, that is enough to support all the athletic programs at YSU IF I can get them motivated and involved, so how do I do that?”  Then you have a chance.   We look like and act like losers turning down the Frisco tickets, fumbling the ball on the spring game not promoting MBB, etc.  Remember 233K is more than TWICE the population of Green Bay Wisconsin and the support and NFL franchise!  I stand by my Shawshank Redemption quote, "get busy living or get busy dying." 


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