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What's up with Akron's Keith Dambrodt running off to Duquesne? It looks like there might be some problems in paradise..interesting where they turn...guys we bypassed to hire Calhoun? Do they give McFadden a shot? Ford? Boals? Donlon? Dambrodt leaving has to be a shock to them . Has to be something more than being upset that his league only gets one bid which seems to be his resoning

They don't have the funds to build a new arena (which is badly needed). Duquesne has a 40 million dollar renovation of their arena planned this year. I'm guessing things kind of stalled out in the rubber city. His son played soccer at Akron but transferred out to a school near Pittsburgh and Dambrot's father played at Duquesne so good hire for them. Akron basketball is taking a turn for the worse.

They must have struck oil in Pittsburgh because he's getting a million a year...their facility is Beeghley with all chairbacks...nothing special...Akron mbb  forum is throwing around some big names but I have a feeling that they tap a big time assistant


--- Quote from: jbags on March 28, 2017, 10:44:05 AM ---They must have struck oil in Pittsburgh because he's getting a million a year...their facility is Beeghley with all chairbacks...nothing special...Akron mbb  forum is throwing around some big names but I have a feeling that they tap a big time assistant

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Agreed. Dambrot did a lot of good there so they will miss him. He is taking all of his assistants so McFadden is following him.

Double ET:

--- Quote from: jbags on March 28, 2017, 10:44:05 AM ---They must have struck oil in Pittsburgh because he's getting a million a year...their facility is Beeghley with all chairbacks...nothing special...Akron mbb  forum is throwing around some big names but I have a feeling that they tap a big time assistant

--- End quote ---

I don't about striking oil in Pittsburgh.... They might be getting more future $$$ with Trump's refocusing on clean coal technology and on american made steel with less environmental regulations.


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