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Sources: YSU to hire national runner-up Calhoun as men’s basketball coach

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Congrats to Strollo for what looks to be a great hire. I am no Strollo fan but when someone does something right I am willing to give them credit.  Now we need to get student involvement . We need butts in the seats.


Excellent point.  As another Strollo critic, I congratulate him on an outstanding selection.  Even in the unlikely event that Calhoun will not work out, nobody can argue that Strollo blew this one.

I did go and read Vargos article in the Trib and was highly encouraged by the words of Babe Kwasniak, coach at VASJ. The fact that he believes and trusts Calhouns ability to recruit is what's needed here..forget recruiting in Texas or Louisiana and concentrate closer to NE Ohio..perhaps kids won't transfer out if closer to home. In an earlier post I mentioned he might have to get rid of a few players to free up schollies...simplw really..call a kid in and shoot straight by telling him he will not play here and help him find a place that he will.. like  perhaps a Dll school...its not being mean..its being realistic...our roster is dotted with guys that cannot play at a level that would allow us to contend in our league...perhaps going the JC route in Calhoun first year is the way to go...i can't wait to see what the immediate future holds.

Great hire!

Congratulations to Ron Strollo on a terrific hire. He identified a tremendous candidate that fit the credentials across the board. Calhoun is a native of nearby East Liverpool. He eventually ended up in Cleveland and has been coaching across this region since he graduated from CSU. He has D2 head coaching experience and high level D1 assistant coaching experience. From what I heard early last week he was the guy. Dana Balash went so far as to say he heard from a source at the start of the search that Calhoun to YSU was going to happen and that he wanted the job.


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