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Athletic Spending


Interesting numbers...the situation is much more complicated that the article implies but the first place to start is with data..


The Cleveland paper researches and publishes these figures every year.  Once again they indicate that YSU has a reasonable and responsible sports budget while the Ohio MAC schools squander many millions in their delusional quest to be considered Big Time programs. 

go guins:

--- Quote from: Wick250 on March 22, 2017, 02:13:09 PM ---The Cleveland paper researches and publishes these figures every year.  Once again they indicate that YSU has a reasonable and responsible sports budget while the Ohio MAC schools squander many millions in their delusional quest to be considered Big Time programs.

--- End quote ---
I don't often agree with you Wick, but I do here.  This MAC thing is a travesty perpetrated on the Ohio taxpayers.  Would LOVE a IAA conference including Ohio MAC schools, YSU and Buffalo.  That would be IDEAL for all involved!
The chances of dealing with the "big time" egos among those schools?  What is less than -0-? 

IAA Fan:
I would like to know why they just slide right past required women's sports and the obvious impact it has on revenue losses.

go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on March 23, 2017, 09:47:41 AM ---I would like to know why they just slide right past required women's sports and the obvious impact it has on revenue losses.

--- End quote ---
That's easy.  Because to do so would be highly politically incorrect!


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