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go guins:
Pomona-Pitzer:   76–129 in 8 seasons.
Know what that is?  It's the head coaching experience of one Gregg Popovich before getting the head job with the Spurs!  You don't make silly artificial rules.  You interview the guy. Find out about his methods, goals, expectations etc. and hire the best person for the job.

What you guys are describing here is the same methodology that got us Slocum, Robic, Peters, Stroia and Cleamons.  How has that been working out for us?  Remember that definition of insanity: doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result!

My gut feeling is Lombardi is Slocum 2.0 so no thanks. I would personally like someone younger.

go guins:

--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on March 17, 2017, 10:54:27 AM ---My gut feeling is Lombardi is Slocum 2.0 so no thanks. I would personally like someone younger.

--- End quote ---
Yep, nothing like a public institution of higher learning violating a ton of state and federal laws as well as the US Constitution!   We need young guys, not the old (good grief he is mid 50s!) guys like Popovich and Belichick that are obviously too old to coach!
Let's hope the "powers that be" use their judgment and not follow a bunch of artificial rules!

First of all let's set the record straight on Popovich...his record stunk at Pomona and the only reason he got to San Antonio as an assistant was his past connection with Larry Brown who hired him when he needed a job...hung around and was their GM before he basically named  himself head coach ...YSU has tried 2 D1 assistant and 2 D2 successful head coaches..none has really worked out...what other options do we have? What else can we Do? Hire a successful D1 head coach? Explain how that happens..its all connections and I don't understand hearing Slocums recommendations ..why? So we can continue our losing pattern? I have a good idea..lets hire Popovicj so he can prove he can coach at the collegiate level...Akron rolled the dice on a tainted guy...lets hire Rice Jr and follow that pattern..we haven't tried that yet

If we are letting Slocum dictate decisions on the new hire, I lose the little respect I have left for the athletic administration.


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