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go guins:
IAA, I don't get your disparaging comments regarding HS coaching.  Good coaches win wherever they coach.  Bad ones lose wherever they coach.   Many great college coaches have had success in HS and smaller colleges.  It is a GREAT hunting ground for a go getter!   

Read John Vargo's column online in today's Tribune Chronicle.  He makes a compelling case for what the university should do. 

go guins:

--- Quote from: Wick250 on March 09, 2017, 11:00:14 AM ---Read John Vargo's column online in today's Tribune Chronicle.  He makes a compelling case for what the university should do.

--- End quote ---
Interesting.  A lot of good points.

This will be the most important hire in the history of the men's program....and it must be done swiftly...do we value the importance of the program or continue to fail...it starts and ends with recruiting....we cannot continue to recruit jc guys that do not start much less play at all while also getting kids to commit to 4 years...its past the time to straighten this thing out

I thought John Vargo's article was from the heart and echo's my feelings. I am proud to be a YSU and Pitt grad and still have ties in the area. Everyone I known in the area has quit following YSU MBB. The YSU MBB program is in a state of apathy and needs a JT type coach to revive the program that has generated very little interest.

Sports give universities exposure to the nation and the MBB program is totally inept, so a good coach can be like a shining star for the university. Yes, it costs money, but you get what you pay for.


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