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At one time I thought this could've been a possibility..hire h.s. coach Brian Danilov when Dan Peters left...Brians passion for coach g was over the top and I honestly felt he could've sold snow to the Eskimos...i see he is now an asst at Westminster...im not saying to do this but back then....

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on March 10, 2017, 08:11:55 AM ---
--- Quote from: IAA Fan on March 10, 2017, 07:40:23 AM ---I like the article as well. However, Slocum was not a bad coach and we are going to be lucky to get someone of that caliber; so obviously a lot more than a new coach is needed at YSU. So what does everyone think it is? We don't need any bashing, this is a serious question.

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A good coach does not lose more than 50% of his games. Facts are facts. We need a younger coach who can relate to these kids more and have a real passion for the community and for this program. Slocum looked and sounded like he'd rather be down in Florida on the beach.

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So you are putting it all on the coaching hire? You know that we could hire Mickey mouse and will have an initial tick up in fan interest. However, if that is it, then we will be having the same conversation again in 3-4 years of no success. FYI players like our staff so I do not buy it. Slocum's attitude toward the media is what it is ...I don't care. Pelini's is far worse, but the media gives him slack because he wins. MBB's community involvement is strong. So again I ask what the university needs to do (besides the new HC) to make the program successful?

 I would prefer someone in late 30's or 40's, still working their way up the ladder, rather than a coach who is established and older.  I think if you hire the right guy, he will be 3-6 years, and that is what you want.

 He would build a program, and take a better job, that is the way it works.  Barnes won't be here forever, and Bob Boldon before him made a name for himself, and moved on.  Tressel was the exception, staying 15 years and all those championships.

Head coach at YSU is a move up the ladder.   I have heard that Ron Strollo wants head coaching experience, but I wouldn't eliminate all assistants.  I don't know if Rickey McFadden at Akron is the right fit, but based on experience and being at a winning program, I would think he deserves an interview.

If Mike Rice Jr. is/or would be interested YSU needs to hire him.  YSU needs more than a shot in the arm they need to WIN now.  I know this comes with baggage but so do a lot of the other employees of this university.  Winning cures all right?


--- Quote from: goodnews on March 10, 2017, 04:05:45 PM ---If Mike Rice Jr. is/or would be interested YSU needs to hire him.  YSU needs more than a shot in the arm they need to WIN now.  I know this comes with baggage but so do a lot of the other employees of this university.  Winning cures all right?

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No thanks. We have enough baggage with our president and football coach. Do not need anymore lol.


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