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I have been a season ticket holder since 1982.  I attended exactly two men's games this season.  Simply could not stand to watch my team play no defense whatsoever.  Since I became apathetic, I could just imagine the disinterest among casual fans.  This is the most important hire of the DI era.  Mess this hire up and we will have passed the point of no return.

IAA Fan:
I like the article as well. However, Slocum was not a bad coach and we are going to be lucky to get someone of that caliber; so obviously a lot more than a new coach is needed at YSU. So what does everyone think it is? We don't need any bashing, this is a serious question.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: go guins on March 09, 2017, 09:13:25 AM ---IAA, I don't get your disparaging comments regarding HS coaching.  Good coaches win wherever they coach.  Bad ones lose wherever they coach.   Many great college coaches have had success in HS and smaller colleges.  It is a GREAT hunting ground for a go getter!

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I am sorry, but the jump from HS to DI college should be far, far too much to make. If not your program is in trouble.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on March 10, 2017, 07:40:23 AM ---I like the article as well. However, Slocum was not a bad coach and we are going to be lucky to get someone of that caliber; so obviously a lot more than a new coach is needed at YSU. So what does everyone think it is? We don't need any bashing, this is a serious question.

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A good coach does not lose more than 50% of his games. Facts are facts. We need a younger coach who can relate to these kids more and have a real passion for the community and for this program. Slocum looked and sounded like he'd rather be down in Florida on the beach.

go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on March 10, 2017, 07:42:58 AM ---
--- Quote from: go guins on March 09, 2017, 09:13:25 AM ---IAA, I don't get your disparaging comments regarding HS coaching.  Good coaches win wherever they coach.  Bad ones lose wherever they coach.   Many great college coaches have had success in HS and smaller colleges.  It is a GREAT hunting ground for a go getter!

--- End quote ---

I am sorry, but the jump from HS to DI college should be far, far too much to make. If not your program is in trouble.

--- End quote ---
And I continue to disagree.  A good coach wins at AAU all the way through the NBA. 
John Wooden whet from South Bend Central High to Indiana State University for one.  I think that worked out OK. 
Among others that started their coaching careers in High School:
John Beliein, Michigan
Tom Izzo, MSU
Steve Fisher San Diego State
Roy Williams, NC
Mark Few, Gonzaga
Get the right guy from a coaching standpoint and he can lean whatever else he needs as YSU.  You get a .500 coach from anywhere, even the NBA and put him at YSU and you know what you get?  A .500 record.  take a 20-2 high school coach and what do you get?  20-10 at YSU. 


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