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--- Quote from: Wick250 on March 09, 2017, 11:00:14 AM ---Read John Vargo's column online in today's Tribune Chronicle.  He makes a compelling case for what the university should do.

--- End quote ---

Well written.

 1 AA we seem to rarely agree, but this time I am with you.  Need college experience as a head coach or assistant.  I like Siroki, but a concern is this his first winning year there.  But he has been around, and does have the international.  I honestly don't think he has a chance, but that kid of guy.

go guins:

--- Quote from: jbags on March 09, 2017, 12:38:05 PM ---This will be the most important hire in the history of the men's program....and it must be done swiftly...do we value the importance of the program or continue to fail...it starts and ends with recruiting....we cannot continue to recruit jc guys that do not start much less play at all while also getting kids to commit to 4 years...its past the time to straighten this thing out

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This will be the most important hire in the history of the men's program
I think the hiring after the Dan Peters hiring after the abysmal failures of Jim Cleamons and John Stroia was at least as important
and it must be done swiftly 
I definitely disagree, it must be done correctly is FAR more important than quickly.
it starts and ends with recruiting...
It starts with recruiting, but if definitely doesn’t end with recruiting.  You complain about Slocum bringing in good players and then losing them to a transfer. That is NOT ending with recruiting.  Development, esprit de coup etc. all are major factors.
we cannot continue to recruit jc guys that do not start much less play
or don’t play, much less start?
at all while also getting kids to commit to 4 years...
Wake up, this is the real world of 2017.  Many many don’t stay 4 years.  The football team loses in the teens every year.  Don't worry about things you can't do much about
its past the time to straighten this thing out
Does that mean it too late and so we don’t do anything or do you mean it is now time to straighten this thing out?


--- Quote from: Wick250 on March 09, 2017, 11:00:14 AM ---Read John Vargo's column online in today's Tribune Chronicle.  He makes a compelling case for what the university should do.

--- End quote ---

Article is spot on

It is THE most important hire because apathy of the fans days so...no one goes to games because no one cares...it has never been this bad and if you cannot see that I feel bad for you...this program is at a crossroad....it cannot hire someone that recruits jc players that cannot play....we have had an inordinate amount of players leave this program and it sure isn't because of the lure of the NBA or Europe...10 losing seasons in 12 years is just plain pathetic...have we even had one recruiting class stay  together til their eligibility was up? Not for a while...how do you build a program if guys don't stay long enough to improve...i maintain we will never have a more important hire than this one


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