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Slocum Retiring

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Thank you Jerry, and enjoy your retirement.

go guins:

--- Quote from: gbs20 on March 09, 2017, 12:00:22 PM ---Lets put some context to the comment about Jim Cleamons...First, he was hired in September right before the season started due to the death Dailey. Second, shortly after, the OVC kicked YSU out, so we had no league--death to recruiting.  He was coach for 18 months and left to become an assistant with the Chicago Bulls.  I dont know if he would have been good or bad. Worst thing that can be said about him is that he saw what was here, saw what was available and decided to leave. To not consider Jent or someone else because they are an OSU assistant is as silly as excluding anyone who was never a head coach. That being said, Dan Peters was the most successful coach during the past 30 years, and he left because the AD at the time, one Jim Tressel, would not support basketball.  Maybe some lessons have been learned.

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When you say "worst coach in the history of YSU" you have no trouble knowing who I am referring to, do you?
My only response is 12-44 and his second year was worse than his first.  I loved him as a player, both at OSU and the Cavs, but hated him as a coach.  Some guys can only coach, some can only play, some can do both, some neither.  Cleamons was a play only guy.  Team was better the year before and better the year after.  It was Cleamons.
HOWEVER you are right, it is totally unfair to let that influence decision on Jent.  Name recognition couldn't hurt recruiting at least initially. 
I'm sure there are multiple opinions why Peters left.  It can also be noted that Peters has a losing record, while Mike Rice has a winning record and he was here 30 years ago, but most of his coaching was 30-35 years ago I hate to argue.  However, I don't give ”best” accolades to a guy with a losing record. 


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