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YSU takes out the top seed

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Double ET:

--- Quote from: YSU1 on March 05, 2017, 09:06:43 AM ---They showed  the final seconds of the YSU game on sporscenter (ESPN) this morning.  How neat.

--- End quote ---
The link to the last play shown on ESPN is listed on the ysu basketball website. It also has the ysu audio play by play call  for the winning basket.

IAA Fan:
I think this really shows just how much attendance can do for a team's motivation. I know that many may wish other, but if coach Slocum returns next year (or whomever) this team deserves fans in the stands.

IAA Fan:

Green Bay and Wright State also lost today.  Top four seeds are gone.  Three out of the four teams in the semifinals have losing records.  As ridiculous as this seems, we have as good a shot as anybody.  The brackets were set up to reward the #1 and #2 seeds with today off before the semifinals.  Milwaukee and YSU "stole" that rest and might have a slight advantage tomorrow. 

Northern Kentucky was the #4 seed and Wright state #5 right ? I thought i saw NKU was the home team in that game ? if so that was the only game won by the higher seed in the tourny


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