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Biggest Highlight of the Slocum Era?

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go guins:

--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on February 23, 2017, 07:18:50 PM ---

Peace all y'all.  Penguins Forever.

--- End quote ---

Guy writes all this "Penguins Forever" crap and is 100% negative, 100% of the time.  Good bye and good riddance, if you ask me.  Knowing how the site manager works, it will probably just be a suspension and this jerk will be back attacking again, but I, for one, will enjoy the break!

Penguin Nick:
Penguin Nation speaks the truth, men's basketball has been an embarrassment for a very long time.   
I’m absolutely sick and tired of the men’s basketball program being the red-headed step child of the football team.  I’m passionate about YSU football, but the basketball team, and the citizens of Youngstown who have to live through this mediocrity year-after-year, are getting shortchanged.  There should not be such a disparity between Stambaugh Stadium and an outdated Beeghly Center.  I don’t buy into this notion that men’s hoops cannot be successful and believe that men’s basketball should be able to financially take care of itself (and even other sports at YSU) and be a major money-maker.  You shouldn’t have to count on the football “money games” to support men’s basketball. 

go guins:

--- Quote from: Penguin Nick on February 24, 2017, 09:37:18 AM ---I don’t buy into this notion that men’s hoops cannot be successful and believe that men’s basketball should be able to financially take care of itself (and even other sports at YSU) and be a major money-maker.  You shouldn’t have to count on the football “money games” to support men’s basketball.

--- End quote ---
You may not "buy it" but why not, almost everybody else is in the same boat.
Quoted from CNN Money:
"Only 123 of the men's programs at Division 1 schools are profitable, and they're mostly from big money conferences. They earned $351 million combined on nearly $1 billion of revenue last year.
But the other 223 teams either broke even or lost money."

And if this is true of MBB, what about every other sport?  Sports is marketing for universities, and marketing programs cost money.  Frankly the YSU football program has been great marketing for YSU over the years. 


To be fair, Strollo actually has used portions of the proceeds from the football money games to make improvements in Beeghly Center.  When he became the AD, the offices and the locker rooms were bad jokes.  They have been properly renovated, a video room has been added, and a weight room has been placed right inside the gym.  This year the gym floor was refurbished.  Our men and women now have DI amenities. 

Of course the seating is now very poor.  The 45 year old bleachers on the upper tier are terrible.  The 35 year old seating on the lower tier is barely acceptable.  Those deficiencies are what is most noticeable during games, but it is not accurate to suggest that Stambaugh gets everything and Beeghly gets nothing.

I voted for the Butler game.  For me nothing is even close.

Last time I watched a men's basketball game at Beeghly they still had the old scoreboard. I don't know how long they have had the new one, but as soon as Jerry is gone I'll start attending some games again. There's just no excitement in that building with only a hand full of people there.


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