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Baseball Banquet Press Release

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go guins:
Boy, you guys are ALL "off the rails" today.
Unless I'm looking at a different release on the First Pitch Breakfast, it didn't seem that bad to me.  Somebody post an original copy if it is that bad.  Don't you guys read the Vindy or Tribune regularly?  Maybe I'm just jaded to bad spelling and grammar!
Second, Parks married Strollo's sister quite a while after we hired him, and I think you may be a little out of bounds suggesting he married the women to protect his job or whatever.
Third, IAA you are really over the top with your attack, (and it is nothing less than an attack) and "under the table" charges etc.  Take a breath big guy.  The bloggers were no worse than normal. 
One thing you consistently do that irritates at least me is make excuses for Youngstown.   For instance Blacksburg VA is quite a bit smaller than Youngstown, and they support significantly bigger athletic programs than Youngstown does.  YSU sports is what we the fans make of it.  If we support MBB we will win more games.  We don't care about BB in the valley, and it is second thought for YSU also. 

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on February 13, 2017, 02:38:14 PM ---I have never seen some much unjust, uneducated and ridiculous hatred in my life. You people need to move out of Ytown and then you can see  how corrupt big-time collegiate sports really are. We have such incredible quality athletics for a small city. I travel quite a bit and so many people see my "garb" and know us. How many people can even tell you they have heard of  NDSU? You all live in some dream world that we have the same "under-the-table" resources that major institutions have ...we don't!

--- End quote ---

It's fun to throw around a few haymakers every now and then but geez, to wholesale insult your readership is bad form.

Not that it matters, as you will carry water for the profoundly incompetent AD all day long, but I live near FGCU, a school only slightly bigger than YSU in a town about the size of Ytown, and they play in an arena smaller than Beeghly.  While they have no FB team, their MBB team joined D1 recently in 2011, and have been to the Dance twice, Sweet 16 once, and the NIT once in those few short years.  There's no scandals...just competent leadership...something YSU woefully lacks.

Double ET:

--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on February 13, 2017, 03:24:54 PM ---
--- Quote from: IAA Fan on February 13, 2017, 02:38:14 PM ---I have never seen some much unjust, uneducated and ridiculous hatred in my life. You people need to move out of Ytown and then you can see  how corrupt big-time collegiate sports really are. We have such incredible quality athletics for a small city. I travel quite a bit and so many people see my "garb" and know us. How many people can even tell you they have heard of  NDSU? You all live in some dream world that we have the same "under-the-table" resources that major institutions have ...we don't!

--- End quote ---

It's fun to throw around a few haymakers every now and then but geez, to wholesale insult your readership is bad form.

Not that it matters, as you will carry water for the profoundly incompetent AD all day long, but I live near FGCU, a school only slightly bigger than YSU in a town about the size of Ytown, and they play in an arena smaller than Beeghly.  While they have no FB team, their MBB team joined D1 recently in 2011, and have been to the Dance twice, Sweet 16 once, and the NIT once in those few short years.  There's no scandals...just competent leadership...something YSU woefully lacks.

--- End quote ---

I am not going to defend the MBB program. I have gone to most of the home games in first 48 years since I was a student at YSU. I have not gone to a single game for the last 2 years because of Slocum.

However, comparison to FGCU might not be accurate since they do not have a football program. They might be able to channel most of their $$ into MBB.

Do you know their annual budget for MBB? They might have $$ to hire a good coach/assistant coaches. We don't have $$ and therefore, we are stuck with Jerry.

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: Double ET on February 13, 2017, 04:49:44 PM ---
--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on February 13, 2017, 03:24:54 PM ---
--- Quote from: IAA Fan on February 13, 2017, 02:38:14 PM ---I have never seen some much unjust, uneducated and ridiculous hatred in my life. You people need to move out of Ytown and then you can see  how corrupt big-time collegiate sports really are. We have such incredible quality athletics for a small city. I travel quite a bit and so many people see my "garb" and know us. How many people can even tell you they have heard of  NDSU? You all live in some dream world that we have the same "under-the-table" resources that major institutions have ...we don't!

--- End quote ---

It's fun to throw around a few haymakers every now and then but geez, to wholesale insult your readership is bad form.

Not that it matters, as you will carry water for the profoundly incompetent AD all day long, but I live near FGCU, a school only slightly bigger than YSU in a town about the size of Ytown, and they play in an arena smaller than Beeghly.  While they have no FB team, their MBB team joined D1 recently in 2011, and have been to the Dance twice, Sweet 16 once, and the NIT once in those few short years.  There's no scandals...just competent leadership...something YSU woefully lacks.

--- End quote ---

I am not going to defend the MBB program. I have gone to most of the home games in first 48 years since I was a student at YSU. I have not gone to a single game for the last 2 years because of Slocum.

However, comparison to FGCU might not be accurate since they do not have a football program. They might be able to channel most of their $$ into MBB.

Do you know their annual budget for MBB? They might have $$ to hire a good coach/assistant coaches. We don't have $$ and therefore, we are stuck with Jerry.

--- End quote ---

Good question.  It looks like the FGCU Athletic Department budget is $10.8M for this FY.  YSU's athletic department budget is $15M I recall, so overall FGCU spends far less on athletics.  FGCU MBB received $1M in revenue generation after going to the Sweet 16....part of why neglecting a revenue sport like MBB is fiscal malpractice.  As far as the MBB specifically goes, it's prolly higher than YSU's $1.3M but I'm having trouble finding it in a quick search.

Penguin Nation:
It looks like FGCU's MBB budget was actually less than YSU's, and they still went to the Dance, although I think it's risen since then.  I recall YSU's MBB has been flat at $1.3M for a few years.  If I'm correct, the fiscal malpractice of the YSU athletic department is far worse than even I thought.

From the Naples Daily News:

In 2011-12, the most recent year of available data, FGCU reported just $1.1 million in men's basketball expenses. Among the 64 teams to qualify for NCAA tournament's second round this year, that ranked 60th out of 64.



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