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Baseball Banquet Press Release

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I have to say the Athletic Department should be completely embarrassed to release that article.  As a former YSU athlete and graduate it is insane to think that someone actually released that article with countless grammar and spelling errors.  That department is inept from top to bottom.  Mr. Parks, please keep in mind you are running a department at an institution of higher learning.  Is there any accountability in that department?

I also noted the spelling/grammar errors in that article about the baseball First Pitch Breakfast. That said, it was a very nice event yesterday.  I drove down from the Cleveland area for the third year in a row to attend.  I highly recommend it.  I was ticket 475, so no joke on the attendance of over 450 people.

That said, to your point.  Yes, someone should have proof read that before posting.

  Zero accountability.  Parks is lazy, he is married to Strollo's sister, job security.

IAA Fan:
I have never seen some much unjust, uneducated and ridiculous hatred in my life. You people need to move out of Ytown and then you can see  how corrupt big-time collegiate sports really are. We have such incredible quality athletics for a small city. I travel quite a bit and so many people see my "garb" and know us. How many people can even tell you they have heard of  NDSU? You all live in some dream world that we have the same "under-the-table" resources that major institutions have ...we don't!

I started this topic and I live in Arizona.  I graduated from YSU in 97.  I keep up on YSU through social media and the various websites including this site.  I graduated from a high school in PA so possibly my expectations are too high since I didn't grow-up in Ytown.  The people writing these articles are most likely aspiring journalism students and enrolled at the university.  If you find the article acceptable then I guess that's your opinion.  Make no mistake most 8th graders could write something much better. 


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