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I still believe men's basketball would return more bang for the buck if we could get the right stuff in here to succeed....one crummy NCAA appearance would reap more $$ than football ever could...the arena doesn't hold us back...thw recruiting budget and coaches salaries do...however ..Jerry had it much better things here than Gannon and I'll always remember how Dan Peters told me how much better it was here than whete he came from and that was before the remodel of the locker rooms..trust me on this ..its all about who you play for at our level...Butler was junk until Thad  Matta...simeone somewhere is thirsting  for this job and we need to find him

Penguin Nick:
Beeghly is nothing but a glorified high school gym.  How much money does YSU pay annually to play home baseball at Eastwood Field (12 miles away)?  If a profit could be made I would rather invest money to play home games at the Covelli Centre, even if it's a little smaller then Beeghly it looks like a real arena.  Covelli would make an excellent recruiting tool.  But YSU does not want to invest in men's basketball because any success would tarnish our reputation as a "football school."

go guins:

--- Quote from: Penguin Nick on February 27, 2017, 02:26:56 PM ---Beeghly is nothing but a glorified high school gym.  How much money does YSU pay annually to play home baseball at Eastwood Field (12 miles away)?  If a profit could be made I would rather invest money to play home games at the Covelli Centre, even if it's a little smaller then Beeghly it looks like a real arena.  Covelli would make an excellent recruiting tool.  But YSU does not want to invest in men's basketball because any success would tarnish our reputation as a "football school."

--- End quote ---
"Beeghly is nothing but a glorified high school gym." 
Too some extent all areas are glorifed high school gyms if they don't have loges and beer sales.While arguable true, the comment is irrelevelant if you are competeing with Kent, Akron, Bowling Green et. al.  I'd stack Beeghly against any of them.  Buffalo has a realitively new building but their old place was down right scary!
"If a profit could be made I would rather invest money to play home games at the Covelli Centre"
That's a BIG "if" Nick.  MBB don't make money at most schools and if you rent off campus you eliminate most students and raise you costs.  Maybe Covelli "looks" better, but that doesn't fix a damn thing money wise.
If we have to pay for a coach, they pay, but this stuff about moving etc. doesn't make any sense to me.

"But YSU does not want to invest in men's basketball because any success would tarnish our reputation as a "football school."  Too dumb to honor with a comment.

IAA Fan:
You make some good points, but the idea is to get sports ON campus ...not move to Covelli. That is why they moved softball. They had no choice but to build a new women's facility for soccer ...the money was there and we needed to take it or lose it.

Go I am not apologizing. Heck I am actually in favor keeping Slocum with tougher terms. We cannot do that with anyone else, not even Wernicki ...it just would not be fair. What I am saying is that all of these new sports (most of which are women's) take budget away from MBB.

Then there are those on this board who would not even offer a public "thank you" to a retiring Slocum & think that such a slap in the face would go unnoticed by any potential replacement? everything has it's price.

I happen to like baseball far more than any other sport ...probably even football and certainly basketball. Funny how no one says a word when a team drops football for financial reasons. Yet we cannot drop MBB as it would cause a civil liberties lawsuit. However it not a cheap sport anymore.

go guins:

IAA, I disagree with you about Slocum, it's time to go.  Keeping Slocum with "tougher terms" is bullsh**.  What would you do: "Jerry, you MUST win +50% of your games or get fired"?  If the guy isn't giving his full effort to winning 50% now, he should be fired.  If he is giving an effort and is winning 35% or whatever, then he should be fired.  Either case, one answer. 
I simply don't believe we have siphoned off money from MBB to fund women's bowling or whatever.  If that is the case then everybody involved, including JT, should be fired.  I don't have off-hand numbers for spending on MBB, but overall the spending for sports has climbed every year for more than 10 while overall university spending has gone down recently.
I also believe your dropping football going without comment, but dropping MBB causing an uproar is naive at best.  Start a rumor about dropping FB and see what happens.


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