YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Scalzo: YSU men must start run tonight

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Shaun Stewart

Osandi Vaughn

Ronnye Beamon

Jalon Plummer

Kyle Steward

Ryan Weber

Marcus Keene

Sidney Umude

Jordan Andrews

Bryce Nickels

All gone from the program in the last 3 years. YSU admins wont get rid of Jerry because they are happy paying him the least out of any coach in the HL so they're getting what they want... Terrible coach, players leaving the program every year. Losing seasons. Why anyone would want to come play for this dumpster fire of a program is beyond me.

Did Oakland burn down Beeghly on there way out of town ?

Simply horrible basketball. They are getting worse as usual as the season goes along. They always get worse as the season goes along with Jerry Slocum

We are trapped inside a vicious circle.  The team plays poorly at home because the gym is empty and the atmosphere is terrible.  Yet nobody will come to the games until they start winning at home on a consistent basis.  The shame is, as since1990 noted earlier in this thread, a real coach could actually turn this around quickly in this deteriorating league. 

Told you they wound not show up against Oakland.  They'll get smoked by Detroit too!  Getting worse as the season progresses.  Look good one game, bad the next two!!! Again what happened to all the defense they practiced all pre-season!


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