YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Tropical Bowl / Daytona Beach / Ruiz Offensive MVP

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Ruiz has been here 4 plus years and still doesn't get it. Coaches talk to the players all the time about the dangers of Guns, drugs, violence, and just doing the right thing on a daily basis. Watching Lee Wright ride the bench for a full regular season because of improper gun use did nothing to change his mind. The team was tested just before or after the Jacksonville St. game and it did nothing to change his mind on getting a little high in the car on his trip to Tallmadge. The arresting officer did follow proper procedure. One of the leading causes for not using a turn signal or head lights is impaired driving (some people just plain forget). The smell of pot will create an automatic car search. I do like the fact he told the arresting officer the truth on both fronts..He needs help and I hope he can find it somewhere..It would be interesting to see how well received he was by his teammates..before and after his arrest!!

WHO CARES ANYMORE. It's over and done with. He is gone and no longer with this program. Move on people.

go guins:
 About time for 1AA or one of the other administrators to move this to the non-football area! 
This is pretty disgusting trash talking if you ask me, and I usually put up with a lot!
If it says "black people" anything, or "white people" anything, it is racist, and IMO, there is no place for racism in football or on this blog.

So that Tropical Bowl sure was some game huh?  :o

go guins:

--- Quote from: HappyPenguin on January 30, 2017, 11:50:46 AM ---So that Tropical Bowl sure was some game huh?  :o

--- End quote ---
A real nail biter.  Had me on the edge of my seat the whole game! 
Actually ran it like a scrimage.  Players drifting on and off the field etc.


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