YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Tropical Bowl / Daytona Beach / Ruiz Offensive MVP

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I have never felt the need to condemn or support these young men who made a mistake in judgement  I was young and stupid at one time, and made even worse mistakes   One day they will regret it and ask for there teammates forgiveness if they have not already  Can't we forgive them ourselves and move on?  Sometimes it's difficult but the Christian thing to do.  I apologize beforehand to those who will lambaste me for trying to inject some religion here.

Sorry this isn't about forgiveness. It's about responsibility and from a team standpoint Ruiz let the team down.  The issue here isn't about race and if he was profiled.  It's about right and wrong .  I don't want to here the bs it's just weed or whatever it's against team rules and illegal right now in the state of Ohio.  We have to have accountability here and he failed as a person and as a Senior  and let his team down .  It's just plain selfish and stupid.  He hurt himself and the team. 

Penguin Nation:
YSUGO, have you ever broken any laws?  I suspect you have.  You're probably a felon.


Don't worry, so am I and every else who is on this forum. 

Martin was pulled over for not using a turn signal.  A turn signal. As far as marijuana goes, it's illegal because of a racist government. Alcohol is a far more dangerous drug, so it has zero to do with public health.

IDK if he tested + for PEDs.  But if Martin's offenses are limited to a plant and not using a turn signal, than good grief.  Bo's poor clock management is a far worse offense.


Here is the game broadcast for those that are interested

IAA Fan:
I do not believe that Ruiz tested positive for weed with the others. It was the gun possession. The university set the precedent of 1 semester suspension this past summer. Or, more likely he was not cleared in time. Thus Martin could play in this all-star game, but not the final. I could be wrong here, but everything points this way. It is equally possible that the NCAA is not involved in this game.

I too feel let down & that Ruiz let us down with his actions ...not much else you can say; but at the same time ...he is probably the best back to ever wear a Penguin uniform and I am very honored to have watched him for 4+ years.

Again ... Stay off race & politics. Don't forget we have a BS board down below this one.


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