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Men's B-ball UIC 92-YSU 89 ot

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What the hell happened to all the defense this team supposedly practiced all preseason? This team is in desperate need of a new voice, and needs to stop losing two to three players off the team every year! 

Double ET:

--- Quote from: ucfpengbuck on January 14, 2017, 10:39:21 PM ---Double ET,you got me beat.   I started going to YSU games in 1973.   They started alot of frosh that season.

Terry Moore pg
Tony Mitchel small forward
Gary Anderson 6-8 post

Phil Gaston and Johnny Reed were probably the other starters.   Jeff Covington and Gerald parks came the following year.   70s Talent > today's.

--- End quote ---
You missed out on the 2 of the best shooters... John McCloroy (scoring 72 points in one game). How was followed by Billy Johnson.
I remembered Phil Gaston with his baseline turn around jump shots and John Reed's high arcing outside shots.
We stuffed the ballot box for Jeff Covinton so he made the all star team.

Those were the days my friend.

We play absolutely no defense. This is been ongoing for the past 10 years. Free throw shooting stinks enthusiasm stinks. Slocum needs to go. Attendance is less than 2000 per game and that's generous. I was at the game I will never attend another game until they get rid of so come as well. Step up to the plate and get rid of him

Penguin Nation:
Firing Geri Slocum is not the answer...unless you also fire Strollo.  Strollo hired Slocum, renewed his contract several times, hired Hill, hired Martin, and in FB renewed Heacock's contract and tried to hire EKU HC Dean Hood to be our current HC.  Strollo will use the same paucity of intellect to chose the new HC.  I really want to see MBB someday go to the dance, but to accomplish that, and for multiple other reasons, we need a new AD.

If not firing Slocum is the answer then you must want to keep losing. This is pathetic what some people think. He sucks as a coach. The program is in shambles win-loss wise. Just look at the bench when we play no enthusiasm. Reflection of the coach. If you guys want him then we will continue to lose. And no fans


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