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Football only post-game talk

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Great post and nice seeing you there Stick.

The YO Show:
Pete, you felt the PA announcer was obnoxious huh? I actually found his changing the name of the grouping of penguins getting Abdullah to be quite humorous. Colony, rookery, host, plethora were all words he used. Must have had a thesaurus on him.

I agree with you regarding missing the suspended players. I agree with you regarding the start time being dumb and having 2500 to 3k. I was disappointed about not having a proper football scoreboard. I couldn't even tell except by mental note how many timeouts each team had. Also, the grass definitely seemed to hurt both sides. The grass field looked like it was getting torn up in clumps too by the cleats. and I could see that from 23 rows up!


--- Quote from: The YO Show on January 10, 2017, 11:57:39 PM ---Pete, you felt the PA announcer was obnoxious huh? I actually found his changing the name of the grouping of penguins getting Abdullah to be quite humorous. Colony, rookery, host, plethora were all words he used. Must have had a thesaurus on him.

I agree with you regarding missing the suspended players. I agree with you regarding the start time being dumb and having 2500 to 3k. I was disappointed about not having a proper football scoreboard. I couldn't even tell except by mental note how many timeouts each team had. Also, the grass definitely seemed to hurt both sides. The grass field looked like it was getting torn up in clumps too by the cleats. and I could see that from 23 rows up!

--- End quote ---

I also thought the PA announcer was a tool.  He was obnoxious and loved to hear himself talk over the loudspeaker.  WTF is happening to football?  Half the people are on their phones snap chatting and taking selfies etc.  PA announcer used the word matriculation to describe a TDC run my JMU and his use of the word was literally incorrect, but half the dumb ass people didn't know the definition anyway....
.they repeated what he said like 2 year old son.  I swear people are getting dumber and dumber.

IAA Fan:
I could tell on TV that he was odd & a young bad voice. Sounded like a kid doing HS sports or bad local semi-pro team radio announcer. Kind of a Homer. As if he knows the background of all the players. PA announcers forget that we are looking at the game ... we do not need to be told what we just saw it is not radio. Tell us the essentials ...ball carrier or receiver name, player changes, down and distance of play & remaining in the series. That is about it. On injuries I like to hear who is down, but some teams do not like that; they say it makes more stress on the injured player.

I got word that theyou had their grass cleats on for the game, but the field had new sod added and the top of the field was frozen.  It didn't unthaw until the second half, but it wasn't rooted so it just came up every time they tried to cut.  It was a real problem for our athletes


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