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Vs. JMU In Game Thread

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--- Quote from: YSU1 on January 07, 2017, 04:24:29 PM ---can't we all just get along

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Nah, its a forum where youre only allowed to talk about what the admin wants you too.
get a level headed admin and this place would be set.

well I am going to have a PEPSI and enjoy what we accomplished this year


--- Quote from: YSU FAN#34 on January 07, 2017, 04:15:45 PM ---Simply outmatched today by a great team.  PERIOD.  It sucks...but it happens.  Still proud to be a penguin.  Had a great experience with some family and my 11 year old son who wouldn't want to be anywhere else but in Frisco.  Not gonna b**** and point fingers.  It was a GREAT F-ing year and so happy to Get back in the playoffs. 


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Good post, it was a fun ride and JMU was the better team today, nothing to be upset about


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on January 07, 2017, 04:11:38 PM ---
--- Quote from: ytowngirl on January 07, 2017, 03:56:14 PM ---
--- Quote from: IAA Fan on January 07, 2017, 03:41:48 PM ---
--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on January 07, 2017, 03:11:48 PM ---Biggest game of the year and Monty and Wells were out schemed and out coached again.

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You are so full of crap. Can you not lose like a man?!

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Why are you so obsessed with Monty?  We need fresh blood, time to move on from him.  If he was so good he would have been offered a better position a long time ago.

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I enjoy winning. Oh and what makes you so certain that he has not been made a better offer? In fact, multiple better offers. Why do people like you hate anyone not named Tressel or Pelini? Both JMU and YSU overachieved this year. Do you not think that there are about 10+ teams that could beat either one of us? NDSU is scratching their heads.

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I'm not a lover of Tressel or Pelini.  I doubt he's had better offers.  Anyone would have bolted.  It's like you have some weird obsession with him.  7 years and this is the first year we've made the playoffs.  Not because of him but because of players like Webb and Ruiz who carried this offense.  Also JMU didn't overperform.  They were ranked 4th in the playoffs.  YSU over performed sure.  But that's not on the coaches.  10 teams would not beat JMU.

IAA Fan:
Fist of all, a team over-performing ...by description is players & NOT coaches.

Secondly ... You forget the crap DC's that Wolf had his first 4 years. Everyone loved the choice of Kravitz as he recruited all of the NFL players & he was the worst DC we had in my 20-some odd years of watching Penguin ball. Everyone loved local product Joe Tressey, he was not up to the task, but his ability to run-stop really helped us improve. The promotion of Jamie Bryant was okay, in fact I wish we had him right now instead of Stoops as special teams coordinator, but he really was not a DC. During most all of this time with junk defenses we had all the record numbers that Coach M's offenses were producing, but no consistency in defense. Coach M's numbers remained unnoticed because we could not stop anyone.

For 4 years the man (coach Shane) is the only producer we had ...none of you even cared. Then he has one single (really 1.5 to be fair) mediocre year and suddenly you dislike him. I am too old to be a "what have you done for me lately" thinker; but even if you are are one of those ...the answer is that Montgomery just helped take our team to the national championship game. Then he has to put up with Pelini talking about all the changes that HE made to our offense this year, when it was Pelini's poor offensive concepts that were killing us in the first place & led to our QB's being beat-up.

When we let Montgomery go back to doing what he is good at, we drive to the final winning 7 of 8 games. It is no freak accident that 3 QB's (well two different) went down this year. All the while Montgomery was constantly reinventing our offense to try and please coach P. People like you refuse to give him an ounce of credit. Even when he brings in a true first year QB and wins 1.5 tough games with him. All I heard was ....gee 'Montgomery needs to come down out of his ivory tower and be on the sidelines all the time'. Not even an ounce of respect for changing his coaching style and methods for what he feels is best for Mays and the team. There is simply a hatred (in a few of you) for the man and it is completely unjustified ...in my opinion of course. He is one hell of a recruiter and you claim it is a weakness. He scouts central and Southern Ohio like we have never had before. The fact that you say he does not adjust just shows your lack of knowledge of the game; as he adjusted several times today ...nothing worked. None of you seemed to see the perfect calls down field that were dropped (3 to be exact) that were really our only chances to turn this game around; but Montgomery saw it and made great calls against it to give us an opportunity to turn the tide. They were all dropped balls ...one a TO. 

As I have said many times, I am a smash-mouth guy myself; but we do not have strong enough defenses to play that style of ball ...this is the 2010's ...not the 1990's. My gosh, you can count the number of times Tressel's offenses scored more than 21-points on one hand. That is not going to work today ...Tressel's offenses at OSU did not even resemble those at YSU.

Do we need a more mobile QB, yes ...but not at the expense of any arm. We made the right calls this year with enough time to save our season. Yes, coach Shane has had several "bigger" offers, but he knows YSU pays him very well and he is producing for us. He is very-well paid and has earned every penny. So maybe he knows that tenure here is not worth 1 or 2 years at another school with higher salary. I hope he does stay as you know that he and Bo are highly-prized catches for any team.


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