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Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on December 24, 2016, 03:29:29 PM ---This whole topic exists because of the usual two Negative Nilly's. Then when you try to put one in their place you get lumped in with them. They such trolls that they log in as different people, not realizing that their IP address is on every post they make. They say that they are fans from other schools yet they only post when it is negative? Where were they the week we played their team?

The reason that I let this topic go now is because it will be gone in a few days and people will get back to supporting their team; besides their could have been more to this than the school underestimating interest. Well turns out there is nothing more to it.

Now you can carry on Pfoottball.

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If you are saying I have two accounts here you (like the Athletic Department) are spreading misinformation.   

Redbird Fourthandshort:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on December 24, 2016, 11:38:33 AM ---So what Redbird ...just go away. You are obviously a fraud troll. Another one of Nations alter egos. If you want to wish us luck then do so in another thread, we could care less about your opinions. I do not go to your boards and discuss your administration.

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I have been posting on Redbirds forum since 2010 under "fourthandshort" --- about 4500 posts in 7 years. I chose user name Redbird Fourthandshort on your fan forum so as to be fully transparent.

Didn't come here looking for a fight. My first post on other thread congratulated YSU on their success and wished them well. It was also to empathize and inform your fans of our somewhat similar experience.

I would assume most fans would appreciate knowing our experience and that reservation systems are a common solution for this very situation. And fact remains, as many others have pointed out, electronic tickets could be purchased risk free. There was no need to be concerned with over-commitment costing money. ISU Admin recovered very quickly from their initial mistake once our forum went ballistic ... these forums serve many purposes .. this should be one such purpose .. for fans to be heard. Our Admin and Coaches monitor our board for feedback ... even the complainers .. its a good thing for program for fans to speak their mind.

Truth be told, our Sports Admin tried to put a spin on their oversight and act like it was all good from beginning. But regardless of their spin, bottom line, they responded by fixing the problem because our fan board went nuts ... a good thing in my mind.

Regardless of the ticket buying fiasco for YSU, but now even moreso because of it, all of Redbird Nation is rooting for YSU. And I hope you get a lot fans there to support the team.

Someone should set up threads and report back to let people know activity levels on the main secondary market websites: NCAA, Stubhub, Ebay, etc ...  Keep track of ticket counts and average ticket prices. Think of it like the stock market and your looking to buy low .. but don't wait too long. Good news is that Bison is/will dump theirs. Bad news is the end zones are under construction, so there are less tickets this year and JMU already scooped up 7k of the 8k allotment .. so they will buying more no doubt. I have no idea what capacity is with end zones under constructions .. maybe 15-16k ??


--- Quote from: bulldogg on December 24, 2016, 01:22:14 AM ---You guys argue about stupid sh!t. You are in the National Championship game. Wouldn't discussing your game plan, your opponent, etc. be more relevant than discussing which one of you is the bigger a$$hole?

Just sayin'. It looks weird to an outsider. See you in Frisco!

--- End quote ---

Sorry you lost the over/under on 8 hours.  You have avenged that loss, however, by being the biggest a-hole. Go back to your board and contInue discussing with your board-mates about how you will roll us...but only if schor plays well, and the turf is in good shape, and of course as long as there are no BIG scoring plays.  Um...what???

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on December 24, 2016, 03:43:46 PM ---
--- Quote from: IAA Fan on December 24, 2016, 03:29:29 PM ---This whole topic exists because of the usual two Negative Nilly's. Then when you try to put one in their place you get lumped in with them. They such trolls that they log in as different people, not realizing that their IP address is on every post they make. They say that they are fans from other schools yet they only post when it is negative? Where were they the week we played their team?

The reason that I let this topic go now is because it will be gone in a few days and people will get back to supporting their team; besides their could have been more to this than the school underestimating interest. Well turns out there is nothing more to it.

Now you can carry on Pfoottball.

--- End quote ---

If you are saying I have two accounts here you (like the Athletic Department) are spreading misinformation.

--- End quote ---

True. My fault their & I apologize. I was not talking about Nation.

IAA Fan:
Just so everyone knows now, this particular thread is getting locked after Christmas. It is taking up far to much time and is cared about by too few people.


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