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You guys argue about stupid sh!t. You are in the National Championship game. Wouldn't discussing your game plan, your opponent, etc. be more relevant than discussing which one of you is the bigger a$$hole?

Just sayin'. It looks weird to an outsider. See you in Frisco!

Great post!! Unfortunately we have people like penguin nation and 1AA fan that have no clue about Football ,, BUTT, message boards let people like them have there say.. Carry On!!

As I stated earlier attendance was shi!tty. If they would have been able to predict the demand they wouldn't be under so much scrutiny, however there is also a lot to say about the pussified fans that didn't show all year.  I know that most regulars on here go to the games, so that statement was not directed at you.  However, there are a lot of people in Youngstown that are bandwagon fair weather fans.  Not just figuratively but literally.   The underlying problem is budget and the effects of attendance on the shoestring budget.  People want tickets to the NC but not to a playoff game?  In my mind  can't have it both ways.  If the attendance was there they would have bought the allotment.

I want an newspaper article that hits the general population in the mahoning Valley with some deserved guilt.  We can do better than this with attemdamce as a community.  Most of the tailgate lot is geriatric at this point.  Where is the next generation?  The population density has not dropped significantly enough for attendance to be as poor as it has been.  Face it....... group ticket sales and corporate sponsors have to represent the majority of the tickets sold and their distribution to the freeloaders is making the university almost totally dependent on them.  It's exactly how the mafia would control it.  YSU doesn't have access to the fans directly.......YSU has access through the corporate sponsors that distribute tickets to free loaders.  Because of this issue they really don't have a clue how many tickets they needed to order.  The free loaders don't have any skin in the game so if it is cold.....they stay home.  If they need to go to their sisters cousins uncles daughter's baptism and there is free food, well they will just go to that because nobody's going to use the free ticket anyway, plus there is probably  free food and it isn't cold outside. Maybe they will give the ticket to some bum that needs it. 

Lesson to be learned.........tell people to buy their own tickets.  They are trained to ask for free tickets just like dogs.  Need to break the habit and make the games more exclusive.  Then they will come to the games.  Culturally people want to belong, but in Youngstown that notion is amplified about 1000 times (probably due to our history if you get my drift).

I recommend significant and constant peer pressure within the community starting 3 weeks before Labor Day and throughout the season.  Recruit people to the games...that will leave little doubt on how many toclets they need to purchase.  Our athletic program is not sustainable at the current rate of attendance.  It may also be the reason why we aren't hiring the best.......because it all boils down to money when it comes to getting talent.  Pelini won't likely be here forever.  Our coaching salary is no where near the top of the FCS.  If anyone wannts to be FBS, it has to change like yesterday


IAA Fan:

From the NCAA clearing house of all places, I sent the email to the address in the pamphlet & no personal signature either ...but it is official:

--- Quote ---Thank you for your letter. In answer to your questions, it is quite common for teams to order paper-only tickets and is the most common method. It protects seating. I believe both teams involved in Saturday's contest only ordered from their paper-allotment.
--- End quote ---

They really did not answer any of my questions, but at least we know. Now can we put this to bed?

Penguin Nation:

I don't buy the e-ticket excuse.  You would turn down a risk-free loan of tickets until 26 December because JMU would buy our seats?  Some might try, but like us, most want to sit with their side. You could limit them to PC members, students, alumni association members, and season ticket holders....and effectively screen out any JMU fans.  Also, you could require ticket purchasers (outside of those groups mentioned) pick them up at the YSU ticket office.

Also, this article does not address why did the SID lie about the dates?


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