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Is there a link to that manual? It should be shared with all local media.

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: supermario21 on December 23, 2016, 12:23:10 PM ---Is there a link to that manual? It should be shared with all local media.

--- End quote ---



Pg. 50

IAA Fan:

"No hard ticket returns will be accepted."

"The NCAA will invoice the participating institutions for all tickets taken"

Please do not infer items. It says that hard tickets cannot be returned. You need to stop these kind of posts or leave the board. You did not even read what you posted. It states nowhere that these tickets will be refunded. When you find this out ...then make your post with the parties names or documentation.

geez, for a person so concerned with slander of a coach with comments that came from another institution, you should know better. Stop messing with the thread. If you want to make some sort of ticket conspiracy thread; go for it. Save this one for people looking to buy tickets.

Page number 5.  Any unused tickets can be returned by December 26th.

Page number 50 - Hard printed tickets can't be returned. However electronic tickets can be returned.   

Pretty black and white.   YSU lied to the fan base or had no clue how to handle electronic tickets.


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