YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Frisco tickets. .

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Sorry but I don't buy that, I-AA. But guess we'll never know since our athletic department is beyond pathetic.

IAA Fan:
We are what we are Chief .. get over it or follow another team. Let me add to it:

This board gets over 5k unique visitors a year, Half of those are SPAM. of that 5k, maybe 1k are opposing fans. However there are not more than 500 people who actually post something. Two reasons:

1. They do not know how and too scared to try.
2. Many of them see people like you that trash-talk their own team because somehow you think that you are better than others. YSU knows their market much better than you do.

Penguin Nation:
I've achieved the trifecta.  You've threatened to ban me, deleted some posts, and now edited one of my posts.

Anyway, back to the tickets, we have 60% of the enrollment of JMU.  Our average home attendance (13,506*) is 68.2% of JMU's average home attendance.

So JMU can guarantee 7k seats, but we can't guarantee 4k (less than 60% of the JMU total)? 

How can you not at least admit the Athletic Department screwed up?  They've basically created a home field type atmosphere for the opponent.  Because of the actions of the Athletic Department, there is a 1:7 ratio of guaranteed seats in the opponents favor.  Obviously since all of the seats were sold out within hours on Tuesday, and only to loge holders and PC Champions, a massive miscalculation was made.  Season ticket holders and lower level PC members never even had a shot at tickets in the YSU section through YSU. 

This degree of error is a symptom of a larger problem.  Blunders like this are a sign of systemic ineptitude in an organization. 

*Based on magical math



--- Quote from: IAA Fan on December 21, 2016, 10:01:26 PM ---"You don't think we'd sell 4k?"

No. Never in a million years. let alone less than a week before Christmas. Even less of those people would have thought we would be this far. Even bigger "laugher" ...on-line web site to sell tickets? Did not realize we had become such a culturally and technologically advanced East Coast city. Come on ...most of our parents pounded steel, turned bolts on a GM wheel assembly, or put solder and electrical tape on a GM wiring harness to raise us ...and did damn good job at making more money that a typical YSU or JMU grad. Ever been to a YSU game and seen our fan base? What maybe 5 people would hit it? Biggest laugh of them all, that more than 25% of the JMU fans that supposedly bought tickets will actually be there.

Let To further support my theory ...did you go to the YSU v WVU game? Maybe surpassed only slightly the first OSU vs. YSU game. as most YSU fans in attendance (like myself) live in Columbus. No way there was more than 1k in attendance at agame that sold for $65 a ticket and is a 3-hour drive away in summer weather.me tell you that far more people want to see the Buckeyes than James Madison. BTW I have been to every national championship game prior to this one.

Here is a hint, call anyone of the less than 1k fans of NDSU that presold. Lots of tickets available. Always the same trio of idiots in here insulting everything we do. If all else fails ...show up there will be plenty of seats. You want to know how to do it? Try adding a quality package to your season ticket holders with a $40 reserve. It is this reserve that you use for your allotment figure (yes it may be closer to 2k at that point because it is summer). If you are even smarter, you ask them to allow the University to keep the $40 (and match it should the team not make the final) as a donation as your final tax break prior to the new year. It is perfectly legal. THAT is how a major university thinks!!!

Then when you are done with all of that, you ask the NCAA why we are on ESPN2 when the DII and DIII championship games got ESPN. Then ask them why Frisco Texas at a stadium sponsored by some teir-II or III Pizza Hut agency puts a placard on?

--- End quote ---

Totally disagree with you.  I don't think you understand the interest for a national championship.

JMU had 500 fans at NDSU last week.  At UNC (about 3-4 hours away) we had about 1,500 fans earlier in the season.  We will have over 10,000 fans at the NC.

For the 2004 Championship run we had 3 times the fans at Chattanooga than the combined three road games to get there. 

Plus the way it's set up now, you have 3 weeks to set up plans/travel after purchasing tickets. 

I'm sure the situation will deter a lot of fans that would of come if seats were available from the school and they could of guaranteed sitting within an YSU section.  I would of gotten this is we were talking about a school like Wofford, but YSU?????

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on December 22, 2016, 12:27:39 AM ---I've achieved the trifecta.  You've threatened to ban me, deleted some posts, and now edited one of my posts.

Anyway, back to the tickets, we have 60% of the enrollment of JMU.  Our average home attendance (13,506*) is 68.2% of JMU's average home attendance.

So JMU can guarantee 7k seats, but we can't guarantee 4k (less than 60% of the JMU total)? 

How can you not at least admit the Athletic Department screwed up?  They've basically created a home field type atmosphere for the opponent.  Because of the actions of the Athletic Department, there is a 1:7 ratio of guaranteed seats in the opponents favor.  Obviously since all of the seats were sold out within hours on Tuesday, and only to loge holders and PC Champions, a massive miscalculation was made.  Season ticket holders and lower level PC members never even had a shot at tickets in the YSU section through YSU. 

This degree of error is a symptom of a larger problem.  Blunders like this are a sign of systemic ineptitude in an organization. 

*Based on magical math

--- End quote ---

You quoted me with something that I did not say. Going to get an "edit" every time. Just as you edited my quote. ;)

Besides, here you are again ruining every thread with your anti-YSU crap. Obviously they miscalculated but your insistence that this is some sort of epidemic is simply more of your anti-YSU dribble.


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