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Frisco tickets. .

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Here is how it works. 8k seats are held back for the allotments to the schools. The remainder were open up to the public back around August 25th. They sold out in a day. Mostly to Bison fans because they have been buying early since the second year of their run. For 2013-2015, they even sold 3 year packs. This year was less tickets because the end zone section is under construction.

I think it is on the Sunday or Monday conference call after the semis the AD has to indicate if the band is coming and how much of the allotment they want of the 4k. They probably should move that call to Tuesday and let the schools presell the allotment. The school could have opened up the online sales, pre-sold tickets, and if they went over 4k, base it on priority points and then request order. It isn't like this is rocket science. Refund those who didn't qualify. It isn't like schools haven't set a precedent with this since the last time YSU has gone to a championship game. NDSU learned after the first year and a lot of mistakes how to sell the allotment after the semis through Sunday then be in a position to know exactly how much to request during the NCAA call. Of course it has been all of them, but we are a little stir crazy to get out of Fargo for a few days come January. The bottom line is I am sure if YSU didn't have a plan, they could have reached out to a fellow Valley school for their plan and work from it.

I will keep buying tickets in August each year because I have yet to lose money. They did start out $35-$45 6 years ago and now up to $65-$75, but it isn't a very large stadium. I do have a few hospitality wristbands that one can couple with the cheapest seats they can find out there for a fun experience. I keep the post on the first page of this thread updated with how many I have left. I have found those to be well worth it, especially when it hasn't been such kind weather. 11 AM is still a little cool, even on the warmer days in a Texas winter.

Good luck YSU!! I hope the Championship stays in the MVFC.


--- Quote from: td577 on December 21, 2016, 07:51:31 PM ---Here is how it works. 8k seats are held back for the allotments to the schools. The remainder were open up to the public back around August 25th. They sold out in a day. Mostly to Bison fans because they have been buying early since the second year of their run. For 2013-2015, they even sold 3 year packs. This year was less tickets because the end zone section is under construction.

I think it is on the Sunday or Monday conference call after the semis the AD has to indicate if the band is coming and how much of the allotment they want of the 4k. They probably should move that call to Tuesday and let the schools presell the allotment. The school could have opened up the online sales, pre-sold tickets, and if they went over 4k, base it on priority points and then request order. It isn't like this is rocket science. Refund those who didn't qualify. It isn't like schools haven't set a precedent with this since the last time YSU has gone to a championship game. NDSU learned after the first year and a lot of mistakes how to sell the allotment after the semis through Sunday then be in a position to know exactly how much to request during the NCAA call. Of course it has been all of them, but we are a little stir crazy to get out of Fargo for a few days come January. The bottom line is I am sure if YSU didn't have a plan, they could have reached out to a fellow Valley school for their plan and work from it.

--- End quote ---

I think you hit the nail on the head. YSU wasn't doing any of these things. James Madison had an online application system which in addition to selling tickets also gauged demand. They were doing that all weekend. YSU should have had a system up and running Saturday at 10PM much like JMU did on Friday at 10PM. If requests were going through the roof for YSU, they could have asked the NCAA for those 3K tickets.

I don't understand the YSU logic here. You are only on the hook for those tickets if you make the final. You're really that out of touch with the demand from your fanbase that you misfire by 3k tickets? Look, most schools have an expectation that the home playoff games may be less attended due to short planning time and the weather (not to mention the Friday night game). But you've GOT to know that with 3 weeks to plan a trip plus the allure of going for a 'ship that you're going to have demand to meet 4k tickets. Although, judging from how YSU's ticketing operation seems to be stuck in 1998, it's quite possible they were concerned they couldn't physically process the 4k allotment.

From the JMU board...they get it we don't



--- Quote from: supermario21 on December 21, 2016, 08:00:08 PM ---
--- Quote from: td577 on December 21, 2016, 07:51:31 PM ---Here is how it works. 8k seats are held back for the allotments to the schools. The remainder were open up to the public back around August 25th. They sold out in a day. Mostly to Bison fans because they have been buying early since the second year of their run. For 2013-2015, they even sold 3 year packs. This year was less tickets because the end zone section is under construction.

I think it is on the Sunday or Monday conference call after the semis the AD has to indicate if the band is coming and how much of the allotment they want of the 4k. They probably should move that call to Tuesday and let the schools presell the allotment. The school could have opened up the online sales, pre-sold tickets, and if they went over 4k, base it on priority points and then request order. It isn't like this is rocket science. Refund those who didn't qualify. It isn't like schools haven't set a precedent with this since the last time YSU has gone to a championship game. NDSU learned after the first year and a lot of mistakes how to sell the allotment after the semis through Sunday then be in a position to know exactly how much to request during the NCAA call. Of course it has been all of them, but we are a little stir crazy to get out of Fargo for a few days come January. The bottom line is I am sure if YSU didn't have a plan, they could have reached out to a fellow Valley school for their plan and work from it.

--- End quote ---

I think you hit the nail on the head. YSU wasn't doing any of these things. James Madison had an online application system which in addition to selling tickets also gauged demand. They were doing that all weekend. YSU should have had a system up and running Saturday at 10PM much like JMU did on Friday at 10PM. If requests were going through the roof for YSU, they could have asked the NCAA for those 3K tickets.

--- End quote ---

Exactly!!  Great point!!

IAA Fan:
"You don't think we'd sell 4k?"

No. Never in a million years. let alone less than a week before Christmas. Even less of those people would have thought we would be this far. Even bigger "laugher" ...on-line web site to sell tickets? Did not realize we had become such a culturally and technologically advanced East Coast city. Come on ...most of our parents pounded steel, turned bolts on a GM wheel assembly, or put solder and electrical tape on a GM wiring harness to raise us ...and did damn good job at making more money that a typical YSU or JMU grad. Ever been to a YSU game and seen our fan base? What maybe 5 people would hit it? Biggest laugh of them all, that more than 25% of the JMU fans that supposedly bought tickets will actually be there.

To further support my theory ...did you go to the YSU v WVU game? Maybe surpassed only slightly the first OSU vs. YSU game. as most YSU fans in attendance (like myself) live in Columbus. No way there was more than 1k in attendance at agame that sold for $65 a ticket and is a 3-hour drive away in summer weather. Let me tell you that far more people want to see the Buckeyes than James Madison. BTW I have been to every national championship game prior to this one.

Here is a hint, call anyone of the less than 1k fans of NDSU that presold. Lots of tickets available. Always the same trio of idiots in here insulting everything we do. If all else fails ...show up there will be plenty of seats. You want to know how to do it? Try adding a quality package to your season ticket holders with a $40 reserve. It is this reserve that you use for your allotment figure (yes it may be closer to 2k at that point because it is summer). If you are even smarter, you ask them to allow the University to keep the $40 (and match it should the team not make the final) as a donation as your final tax break prior to the new year. It is perfectly legal. THAT is how a major university thinks!!!

Then when you are done with all of that, you ask the NCAA why we are on ESPN2 when the DII and DIII championship games got ESPN. Then ask them why Frisco Texas at a stadium sponsored by some teir-II or III Pizza Hut agency puts a placard on?


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