YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Frisco tickets. .

<< < (12/24) > >>

Anyone got 3 extra tickets on YSU side they are willing to sell at face value to a DISGRUNTLED football alumni who never got a chance to buy from his alma matter?

PM if so; I'd be appreciative.

This is a complete debacle for the fans, especially the loyal fans.  We need a better marketing department.  We need people to attend the games.  This is really sad.  I know several people that cannot make the trip due to the cost of tickets and the cost of the flights now.  The bigwigs got the cheap tickets and the cheap flights.


--- Quote from: penguinpower on December 20, 2016, 10:15:02 PM ---This is a complete debacle for the fans, especially the loyal fans.  We need a better marketing department.  We need people to attend the games.  This is really sad.  I know several people that cannot make the trip due to the cost of tickets and the cost of the flights now.  The bigwigs got the cheap tickets and the cheap flights.

--- End quote ---

I agree on the debacle, but how did the bigwigs get the cheap flights?

The Vindy or Dana Balash should try and contact JMU's communications director as to when exactly those allotments were made. YSU is trying to feed a BS story that it was done several weeks ago. Sure doesn't sound like it here. JMU had a revealing presser today.


Watch the video starting at 2:55 for all the important info.

The essential feature of this debacle is the complete lack of markert research in the athletic department.  Nobody would expect the university to purchase thousands of tickets that they could not resell.  But these fools made NO EFFORT to determine the interest in this game.  Do they even know that software programs could allow them to email all season ticket holders by pressing one stinkin' button?  If they had tried to get feedback before the ticket deadline, whenever that was, they would have detected the intense interest in this game.  But no.  We will just guess a number.  Make it very low; little work for us.  Just make sure the fat cats in the loges are happy.  Thumb our noses at the common season ticket holders.  Collect our paychecks and laugh.


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