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Frisco tickets. .

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 I am hearing all the above posts are accurate, unreal!   Why would they send back tickets, not knowing how many of our fans want to attend the game?

 It's like they don't want us there, keep it to only the cronies.  Agree, on the overhaul of athletics.

Why is anyone surprised by this?  Did you think that incompetent people would finally take steps to service our fans?  Think about this.  This is ALL they had to do early last week.  Just send an email to season ticket holders with this brief and to the point message:

"Hello, should our team win in Washington on Saturday, are you planning on attending the championship game in Texas?  This is not a binding commitment but please respond.  We need to know how many tickets to reserve for our fans.  Thank you."

That's it.  That is all these fools had to do to avoid this disaster.  But they were not capable of such planning.  They are that incompetent.

Tressel has done some great things for the university.  He must....simply must....turn his attention to the dysfunctional athletic department and take out the garbage.


--- Quote from: Wick250 on December 20, 2016, 03:25:16 PM ---
Tressel has done some great things for the university.  He must....simply must....turn his attention to the dysfunctional athletic department and take out the garbage.

--- End quote ---

One would think that a screw up of this magnitude would show how incompetent the athletic department is.

Haven't been on here in a LONG time.  For those of you who still plan on going, enjoy your 20% tax on the flash seats website.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the YSU Athletic Department.  I will SERIOUSLY contemplate canceling my already paid for plans for that weekend.

Lol. I just called potesta and ranted.  He AGREES with YSU only taking 1k tix. He says why would they get more when the playoffs couldnt draw a crowd.  WHATEVER!!!!


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