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Frisco tickets. .

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Wow.  How embarrassing. What a colossal F*** up.  A sincere thanks to the a$$hole who is responsible for this.

Still stuck in the 90's. That whole department needs a complete overhaul. Shame on them.

I've read this board for a long time and enjoy it for the most part. But this ticket fiasco really infuriates me (enough to create an account).

We truly have a JV athletic department. I now live an hour away from JMU and they kicked our a$$ in how they marketed their tickets and organized travel. In my opinion, the biggest difference is that they expected to be in the championship while anyone at YSU outside of Bo, the coaching staff and players thought it was a pipe dream.

If the administration only accepted 1k of the offered 4k, shame on YSU. At the very worst, the athletic department would have been on the hook for $225,000 (3,000 at 75 per ticket), though we all know that would not have happened. Have some faith in the people of Youngstown and the alums. With Tressel at the helm, we could have done much better.

I'm not naïve and completely understand that the majority of athletic department across the country struggle to break even, but my God, we all know how long it has been since we have been in the playoffs. We have accepted being mediocre/below average at men's basketball, so let's try to do something positive with football.

We struck gold with Bo and I hope we can keep for a long time, though I have my doubts once the Nebraska money runs out. But I'll worry about that at a later time.

On a positive note, I already have my tickets and can't wait to get to Frisco! Hoping for a great turnout from fellow Penguins who have to purchase their tickets on Flash Seats. Go Guins!

End rant.

Ron Potesta saying that "someone" from the university told him that WE only asked for 1000 tix.  WHAT?!?!?!  Would love to know the truth. Either way...its absurd and highly disappointing.


--- Quote from: YSU FAN#34 on December 20, 2016, 03:18:54 PM ---Ron Potesta saying that "someone" from the university told him that WE only asked for 1000 tix.  WHAT?!?!?!  Would love to know the truth. Either way...its absurd and highly disappointing.

--- End quote ---

Ron Potesta's source is lying through his teeth, said we had to request the tickets by the end of the 2nd round. LOL. No f'ing way. 21 WFMJ is going to bring this up and it's not going to be pretty watching the university backtrack here.


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